So they start regulating my well runs dry.......then what?? What are they going to do for me? If folks on the county water system run out they truck in water purchased from other places, will that include me and how will I get it as I don't have the pipes running to my house? Hmmm...maybe they will give it to me for free??? Ha...NOT!!!!
Just a few miles to the east there are trillions of gallons of water, all that's needed is the salt removed. Saudi Arabia has been doing it for decades, and it's about time we started doing it ourselves.
but....but....but.....think of the bad environmental impact of building such a huge toxin producing factory, just to provide us with the fresh water we need, and of the poor little wildlife that will be displaced, and the land that will tarnished by the toxic by products, and all that extra salt that will kill the land Craig
Why would anyone trust anything weather related that comes from WRAL.....they can't even get the daily temps close, much less how much rain we'll get. Craig
Good point. However, just becuase city dwellers don't have wells doesn't mean they do not understand what they are for or how they work.
Amen. I have wondered why they get away with it. I'll check in the morning and they'll have 56 degrees and then by 10:00 they have changed it to 62. If you can't get within 6 degrees you need to hang up your green screen and your barometer.
Ha, I doubt it...My Mom in Harnett County, well her well she's had for my lifetime ran dry this year and guess what? It cost her $1,500.00 to have county water hooked up to her home. $1,500.00 cash before it was turned on, luckily she has a plumber friend who ran the pipes from the road to her home and hooked it up for free.
That's why I put it in red and in parenthesis. But to be quite honest, I wasn't aware that I was being graded on proper citing. SFW, deal with it.
Well, (no pun intended) since Wake County isn't going to help provide me with water if my well runs dry, I think they best stay the hell outta my well! :twisted:
The entire water table? No. But I did get the air, water and subsurface rights when I bought my property, and that includes any water that will percolate. Which is why corporations that use wells should be regulated, not homeowners. That's wayyy the hell out there and you know that. The depth to the water table in this area is generally way less than fifty feet. Some local wells go as deep as 450 feet. How much water do we have available? I agree. Again, I agree. That's a major the cause of the problem. More development = more fees = more people = more tax payers = more revenue. Revenue is all it's about with the government.
Sounds like she has made out like a bandit. I hate to guess a lady's age, but say she has had that well for your lifetime of 40 years. At $10 a month for a water bill (adjusted for historical prices and, yes, just a guess) she saved $4,800 over the course of her well. Having to hook up for $1500 now isn't so bad when you look at it like that.
**SNORT** for JoCo it's $15 just to have a tap/month... that means no water running. She saved more than that.
From one crazy looking baby to another, you should watch your language (SFW?) Not reprimanding because the content was harmless in this case, but the quote is intended to be in a gray box insinuating anything in this gray box is the OP's words and not yours. You wouldn't do that would you?
on a forum, yep sure would. Just like I didn't capitalize my "on" at the beginning of the previous sentence and I leave out comas and I have run on sentences and I over use ... On a dissertation...I have more knowledge & couth than that. anything else? 8)
Hmm................wonder if we can sell our water rights??? :mrgreen: My well does 30 gallons a minute! J/K before anyone jumps on me!