Grade A Angus Beef here...LMAO! I'm just a big supporter of personal responsibility for ones actions. You reap what you sow. If you want to bring your trash on a public board, expect it to get swept up, but the stench will stick around.
whats happening? somebody fill me in, been busy taking care of my poor ole parents, looks like I have missed something.......
You haven't...same old same old. Remember the drama from a while back? We'll now she thinks she can come on here and act like it never happened...AGAIN.:? I don't do well with folks that play "victim" roles. Bad crap has happened to most people. It's what you learn from it and either that makes you a different/better person or it makes for one hell of an excuse for your failures in life. :lol:
I've talked to much today on the phone, I think I'm getting laringitis (sp) For most people that would be a good thing. :lol: