Where is the money going in JCS?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by teachourchildrenwell, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    Did you ever wonder where our school budget money is going in Johnston County? If you talk to the teachers, or are a parent who needs to supply our classrooms each year, you quickly understand that it is not going to the teachers saleries or the classroom supplies. Appox. 78% of the school budget is going to overhead Administative costs such as our Superintendents salary, all the employees of our (3) district offices in Smithfield, private parties hosted by the Superintendent, a two sided billboard in Smithfield, and double paying an accountant (one was suppose to retire) for our district office. There is sooo. . .much more foolish spending that as a taxpayor I am sick. Our children, our district needs the money in the classroom. Our numbers in both Lang Arts, and Math show that our students need remediation. However, our Superintendent, and our Board of Ed continue to misuse our school budget. Dr. Anthony Parker makes more in salary the the Gov. Mike Easley, and the President of the United States. Does that sound right to you? If you agree that our students need more contact all of the Board of Education Members and vocalize your concerns. Their names are Kay Carroll 934-5882/Dorethy Johnson 553-5527/Donna White 553-5327/Larry Strickland 965-9366/Jack O'Hale 934-6021/Fred Bartholomew 631-0203/Butler Hall 625-3855//Remember that these people were elected by YOU the public and they took an oath to serve us! Dr. Parker makes approx. $230,000/year his pockets are getting fat at the expense of our childrens future. Under his watchful eye our numbers in Johnston County have gone way down, to the point that we are not attaining AYP in any of our schools. The time is now for our community to ban together and put a stop to the madness in the spending. The Board has voted to keep him under contract until 2011-we need to vocalize that his salary is too high and his results are too low!!
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2008
  2. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    I would say that if Parker is making more than Easley or Bush, it's because he can. He didn't hold a gun to anyone's head, and if the board felt, at that time, it was a good thing to do to lock him in until 2011, then you should have communicated with them, ahead of time.
    Three of those seats are up for grabs. If you have the gravitas, the vision, and the capability to serve, you should enter the race and see if like minded folks would support your stance.

    It's too easy to sling forth these accusations. I would welcome your opinion as to how to fix it.

    I'm involved, almost on a daily basis with our schools.

    Parker's job isn't as easy or as cushy as you might think. I would agree that the need for cleaning house at central is overdue. The need to begin for teaching in the modern educational model is paramount. I'm not yet convinced that the people who are at central have the vision to make it happen.

    His contract is only worth the paper on which it is written. Think of it as a "no cut' contract. And, just like major sports, the contract can be terminated. Might be a little costly in the short run, but you should also take a look at what the supers are making in the other districts. Make sure to compare apples with apples, i.e. the largest of public school systems in the state.

    No, I'm not a fan of Parker. I do respect his work his willingness to step up to lead.
  3. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    Where is the money going in JCS

    I concur with most of what you are saying, and would love to buy him out of his contract. As far as running for the Board, I am not interested at the present time. I do communicate with the Board on a regular basis, that is why I was able to give all the contact names and numbers. Only 3 of the current 7 support my views. It is public who needs to be made aware of the gross misuse of our tax money. It is the public who is capable of applying the pressure to make the change. Do you realize that in other states where the cost of living is higher and the school system is larger the Super only is making $175,000? I do my research, and I communicate effectively with all the powers that be. I go to the Public Board of Ed meetings too.
  4. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    I get TONS of money for classroom supplies, but I'm at a Title I school so it's actually federal money. It's definitely not going for my salary.
  5. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    To propose to fix the problem: We must first identify each individual students area of problem (Lang Arts / Math), and work a remediation plan to close the identified skill gaps. Again, this additional testing, and team that would be required for remediation will cost money. Money that I am told we do not have in the budget.

    I also feel that the classroom environment needs to move toward the classroom teacher using the 21st Century Teaching Method. This is a more hands on, interactive method. Some teachers use this method anyway, but the district office should strongly support daily use.

    Again, the funding must be made available for the classroom, not just Title I schools. My child's classroom teachers always have wish lists of supplies from tissues, diaperwipes, copy paper, dry erase makers, etc. That should be covered by our tax dollars.

    I am not saying that Dr. Parker has a cushy job--how silly! I am saying before he purchases a bill board, he should have gotten Board approval. I am saying that we should not be paying an accountant $100,000 plus a year to "mirror" another accountant who did not retire, and again, Dr. Parker did not get Board approval before signing the contract. This is a lot of money to be spending, money that could have gone to our students.

    Lastly, a lot of our teachers leave JCS to go to WCPSS because they can make more money. We need to remain competitive with regard to their compensation. Our county is growing, and we do not want to find ourselves in a position like WCPS.
  6. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    You do realize, don't you, that each school has a budget based on the number of students enrolled on the tenth day of school? Most of this money is provided by the STATE so that each school has equal funding per student. Local funds are provided using the enrollment figures as well. Counties do not determine teacher salaries. That is done by the state. The state pays Dr. Parker's salary; the county pays a local supplement. You must first subtract his salary from his overall pay to determine what the county is paying.

    Schools determine how the funding is spent, not the county. Perhaps you should look at the budget for whichever school you are referring. Many schools have these identification/remediation programs in place. Many schools provide funding for teachers to purchase special supplies for their classrooms (on top of "normal" classroom supplies).

    Central Services has provided numerous training opportunities for teachers to learn how to use student centered activities. You will find, if you observe some teachers, that there are teachers who refuse to change their teaching practices. Some of these are actually "newer" teachers who are teaching the way they were taught in school.

    While I understand there are issues and problems within JCS, I do not think you can completely direct all blame at one individual or at a small group of individuals. To make changes, you need to start at the classroom and school level. THAT is where the changes will be most effective.
  7. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    It is my understanding that the President of the United States makes $400,000.00 as his annual salary for being the President. If Dr. Parker makes that I would be very surprised. Please explain where your information is coming from. To answer your question above, nope it does not sound right because I don't think your data is correct. Once I read that portion I did not read the rest because if you want to use facts they should be correct. Would you please clarify?

  8. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    My facts are straight, please go to kenly news.com where Dr. Parker (and all the others) saleries are listed. This DOES NOT include anything but his annual income. He gets additional money for expenses. His income is listed at $230,735.79 for the 2007 school year. This does not include any increases per his contract. I used the President of the US as an example because he has a much bigger plate than the Super of JCS. Don't live your life as an Ostrich with your head under the ground!

    Also, teachers are paid based upon statute, but the Super is under contract by the Board of Ed. You are right, Madonna, the statutes need to be changed to keep our state competitive. However, local counties can give incentives to teachers to keep the good ones. A teacher at a year round school does make more money than one working a traditional calendar. Our teachers do leave Johnston County to work in Wake County where they can earn more money.
  9. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  10. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Do you think the President of the US doesn't have additional monies for expenses also?? $400,000 is only his "base" salary.
  11. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Dont'cha kinda wonder about noobs who come in to a forum seemingly out of nowhere and jump smack dab in the middle and waist deep in some extremely controversial subject with their very first post?
  12. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    Well, ofcourse he does. However, don't YOU think that the President has a much bigger plate than the JCS Super? You all must work for him, 'cause your nose looks brown to me!
  13. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Well maybe we need to pay the President more and we might actually get a competent one. :mrgreen:
  14. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    You know how it is - opinions are like butt holes - we all have one! The problem here is that most of these folks must work for the schools. I do not work for anyone but I want to be a voice for the children in our County! Parents need to ban together here and stop the crazy spending with regard to our tax dollars. . .Dr. Parker is the small picture. The big picture is the future of our children, and the future of our State.
  15. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    I can't agree more! Guess when we are given lemons we need to make lemonade!
  16. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    This response, regrettably, has relegated your posts as that of a troll, or one with an ax to grind. And this is unfortunate, because, the base premise of my discussion, education of our children, is marginalized.

    Discussions as important need its participants to take the high road in discourse. You've demonstrated an inelegant ability to do so.
  17. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    But you originally stated that Dr. Parker made more than the President of the US...which is false. Sorta wonder what else you might get wrong.
  18. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    No ax to grind here - Just want to see my tax dollars going to the proper place - the classroom, students, and our teachers. We have some wonderful people in our classrooms, and as a family we always support them. However, spending money on billboards, double paying accountants salaries, and paying our Super and Administrators such LARGE salaries seems a bit unfair. We have a large school budget, but approx. 78% of that budget goes to overhead costs and not the students, classroom, or our teachers.

    Please do not put your own spin on what I am saying.
  19. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    I called the White House information line and was told that the President made $250,000 per year. The other person on here indicated differently. I would understand you questioning my information, but all information that I am giving you is public knowledge which can be verified. Go to Kenly News.com they have the annual salaries printed in the paper for every JCS employee (other than teachers), go to JCS web site and you can download the minutes of the Board of Ed meeting to confirm the accountant and the bill board issues. I have nothing to gain by telling lies. The bottom line is the numbers that are reflected in both Lang Arts and Math, that our County is in District Improvement status for every school, and that since Dr. Anthony Parker has been Super the numbers for JCS have gone down (look at the ABC report card thru DPI we site). These are facts and not fiction.
  20. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I'm still waiting for Teachourchildrenwell to answer this....because frankly, All Children First sounds like she knows what she's talking about first hand.

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