Where is the money going in JCS?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by teachourchildrenwell, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    I am unsure who you spoke with at the White House but I will guarantee you that as of the end of term for President Bill Clinton, (whose base salary was $200,00.00 per year), the salary was doubled for the next President ($400,000.00). In my opinion that is still light for our President. See below from the link I gave you earlier.

    Salaries of the President, Vice President, and Other U.S. Officials
    (per year)

    Position Salary

    1789 $25,000
    1873 50,000
    1909 75,000
    1949 100,000
    1969 200,000
    2001 400,000

    Vice President $208,1002
    Senator 162,100
    Representative 162,100
    Majority and Minority Leaders 180,100
    Speaker of the House 208,100
    Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court 208,100
    Assoc. Justice, U.S. Supreme Court 199,200

    I don't work for or around the Johnston County school system but I do think we deserve correct information to discuss before getting in an uproar. I believe that is exactly what others are telling you. Although I may disagree with Dr. Parker's salary or his stance on issues I don't dismiss what a hard job he has.
  2. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    I did respond - I think on page (1) right under Madonna - combined the two - Sorry for the confusion!
  3. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    1st I highly doubt that overhead is 78% of the budget.

    2nd, I am in construction and I see 1st hand what goes into a school in Johnston, Wake Cumberland etc, and Johnston is the most cost effective in construction I have seen. They offer nice school, but not all the fluff extras. I am bidding an Elem school in Cumberland that has Glu Lam beams, exposed Wood ceilnigs, many types of glass and block, skylights etc. How many 7 years olds even notice that stuff. I woudl estimate an extrea $5 million in fluff stuff in one school. Do that 3 times and you have another school.
  4. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Sorry, but I do not see where you responded by posting what part of Dr. Parker's salary is state paid and what is county paid, which is what All Children First was stating.

    The information you posted has been public for some time about all JC salaries and we've had many discussions on this in the past on this board.


    Last edited: Feb 29, 2008
  5. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    I think that we all are getting off subject here, and possibly we should redirect. My bad, for comparing Dr. Parker to the President, as there is clearly no comparision when it comes to the job description.

    I too will agree with you, when you state what a hard job ANY PERSON in Education has. However, it is a matter of the State of North Carolina, and Nation that our numbers are low in both Lang Arts and Math. It is also a fact that the numbers were moving up under Dr. Causby, and the numbers are going down under Dr. Parker. The fact still remains that our students are being retained at record numbers, dropping out at record numbers, we are in District Improvement status for every school (Elem-Middle-HS), EOG scores for both Reading and Math are down. I can only look toward the Super for answers because he is responsible based upon his job description.

    The bottom line is that when you ask for help for the children who are behind in both Lang Arts and Math, as a parent we are told there is no money in the budget to additional remediation, tutoring, and testing to close the skill gaps. Parents are being told to hire a private tutor for their struggling students. I used the salary as an example that the money is there for that, and I used the billboard to prove that there is money that we are throwing away, and I pointed out that we are paying (2) accountants when we only need the one. To focus in on Dr. Parkers salary alone is wrong, what do you think about the billboard, and double paying an accountant??
  6. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    If I understand what you stated above correctly and then look at the website (link provided below) the dollar amount does include expenses reimbursed. Am I missing something? That is why I say we need correct information before we can really discuss. I am kind of new to all of this but I believe one plus one equals two and nothing seems to be equal to two on the subject posted. Please note that the dollar amount above and the dollar amount on the link are the same but the one on the link clearly states it includes expenses. Please let me know if I just don't understand.


    Johnston County Schools Salaries 2007

    *Dan Jones, Asst. Supt.-Financial Services with Johnston County Schools
    states that the 2007 State Legislature recently passed
    a new law that the public information disclosed
    of employee salaries include base salary amounts
    plus all other payments made such as
    telephone and travel allowances,
    annuity contributions if received, etc.

    The amounts below reflect this.
  7. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    Agreed, but are they double paying an accountant in the range of $100,000 plus, and are they paying for a double sided bill board with pics of the Board of Ed on it? Call the Board, and they will confirm the budget allocation.
  8. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    This does not include the increase in his annual contract thru 2011. He was reported as earning that income in 2007. Correct or am I missing something.
  9. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    I have limited time today but do want to address this because I have children in this system. I would believe that it was a mistake made to pay the accountant twice. I say mistake because I do not believe anyone purposely paid them twice. I am glad it was caught as some are not.

    I am unsure of the billboard you are talking about but would need to understand it better before making a comment.

    If your initial point was that we, as parents, need to make sure our dollars are spent in the right areas for our children's sake then I think that gets a little lost in saying anything about anyone's salary. While I may disagree with salaries, I think these people work very hard.

    Are you wanting a discussion on where our dollars are going in reference to individual teaching? Or, are you wanting a discussion on where taxpayer dollars are expensed in general?
  10. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    Please don't take this wrong but since you called the White House and received the wrong salary, which you posted, for our President, I am a little touchy about calling somewhere right behind you. Like I said, don't take that the wrong way.

    I will be down that way next week and may stop in and ask but I do think your point has already been lost.
  11. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    You only talked about the 2007 year. You said not one word about 2011 but I digress because this is now silly.
  12. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I disagree. I have many friends who children stay after school during the week for remediation at school for free in Math and Reading, etc. I also have a couple of friends who's children go to Saturday Academy for extra tutoring for free. I'm referring to West Clayton Elementary and Cleveland Middle are where my different friends children attend. I would think all the school offer the same programs, so I am unsure of what you are talking about? Or where you are getting your "facts" from???
  13. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Probably from that same mysterious White House hotline she "called" and got the wrong information.
  14. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    No all schools do not offer the same programs, and that is part of the problem. That is why the Super is so important. He/She needs to be involved so that all students within the same County are afforded the same benefits. Our school offers tutoring (1) day per week, and Fast Track (1) day per week. However, it is general help, and not focused help to close the skill gaps that the child may have.
  15. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Parker to direct Johnston schools
    October 08, 2003

    Anthony Parker, superintendent of Beaufort County Schools, on Monday accepted the position of superintendent of Johnston County Schools, stepping into the top position in a school system with more than twice the number of schools and three times the number of students.
    Parker, 53, will replace Supt. Jim Causby as of Jan. 1. His contract will run through June 30, 2007.
    Parker has been superintendent in Beaufort since May 2001. The Beaufort schools enrolled 7,200 students in its 13 schools as of September.
    JCS currently has 24,928 students in 34 schools.
    Parker will receive an annual base salary of $160,000, a sizable increase from the $119,350 salary paid by the Beaufort schools.
    The salary includes $135,000 in state funds and a local supplement of $25,000. Additional benefits, including incentive bonuses, are included in the contract. During the fiscal year 2003-03, Causby’s salary was $162,269, said Dan Jones, JCS assistant superintendent for financial services. Causby retired from the superintendent’s position in June, but he has remained on contract with the schools until Dec. 31.

  16. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    The White House/1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW/Washington, DC 20500/1 202 456 1414 - This is located in EVERY phone book - Do you find the phone book mysterious??
  17. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    What school are you talking about? Have you spoken with the Principal? What age groups are you talking about? If you have spoken to the Principal have you gone higher to find out what the problem is?

    Remember, teachers cannot always come in early or stay late. They usually, or they have with my children, made arrangements to come in early or stay late. We have even had a teacher come in early two to three times a week early to tutor and she only had one or two children show up. Make sure your child(ren) are giving you correct information from the teacher(s).
  18. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    If you want to keep this a discussion on topic then you must stay on topic.

    P.S. That would mean not replying to the response below. No offense meant to RealityCheck, just trying to keep this on topic if the original poster wants it that way.

    Think before responding.................listen to Madonna
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2008
  19. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Nope, but don't believe for a minute you got that lowball salary by calling that number today.
  20. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    That is old data - The current info on salaries is listed in this discussion group. We found it on Kenly news.com

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