Where is the money going in JCS?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by teachourchildrenwell, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    Please stop with the salaries. It is the education the children are getting that is of concern, correct? People take their salary personal and when discussing that with trying to get tutoring for those who need it I just don't think those who can help will help.

    This is just my opinion but I will bow out if it continues.
  2. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    Just trying to clarify the issue.
  3. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    Concur and agreed. . .However, even Presidents of major corporations are taking salary cuts in our bleek economy. Wish that we could do the same for our children education!!
  4. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    I am outta this one for right now gotta take all this in & think about it
  5. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    Still with the salaries, with you. I am bowing out.
  6. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    And here is a link to all JoCo school report cards.


    McGees made 24/25 AYP progress. Their LA scores are not too bad, they appear to be in line with other middle schools - even better than some - just a few points lower than Cleveland which is a School of Distinction (80% at grade level). It also appears that alot of schools are having issues with Math, so their scores seem in line with that as well.

    McGees is a School of Progress, meaning 60% of their students are at grade level.

    I want reiterate the transition from Elementary to Middle. Reading is reading, but going to Pre-Algebra or Geometry after doing basic math for 6 years with the social aspects of middle school coming in to play, hormones raging, extracurricular activities... and then there is 9th grade in HS and it begins again.
  7. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    I agree. Seems as though we are going around and around on one issue instead of what I think is the/a major issue...the teaching of the children.

    Gone from this thread until I can absorb and think the FACTS through.
  8. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    Cleo makes a good point and understands that it is a difficult transition for each student going from elementary to middle to high school. But, even though a child has harder classes, extra-activities, it does not mean that the school should not be held accountable if a teacher's class is not learning the subject.

    But I digress again! Bowing out.
  9. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    ok I can only say this about the Math program just changed in 5/07. The state changed the entire program so now we are back to square one the 7th graders that were moving up to 8th all got screwed
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I agree, and wonder why if this wheel has been squeaking nothing has gotten done?

    Is it one particular class, or all math classes this teacher holds?
  11. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    Again, the foundation was not properly laid. This year the standards in LA are being raised so whereas the number right now do not look bad--just wait until the EOG.
  12. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    You know what was tough for my son in math? His teacher's technique. Nice lady, super teacher but some of the techniques just confused him. Like, I would not even understand why he was doing a problem a certain way. I would say - "why don't you do it like this? That's how we did it when I was a kid". And the songs/rhymes (that I had never heard of) really confused him. He is just more literal. The program felt dumbed down, maybe this is more of an issue with clustering in classrooms instead of having actual AIG classes at the Middle School level? Just thinking outloud (online). :)
  13. Just coming in to discussion. Actually, that might be true about McGee's report card. What they don't tell you is that 57% of the seventh grade failed the Math EOG's on the first attempt if my info is correct?

    On the tutoring issue, prior to Middle School. My child is also AIG, and needed extra help in Math in the 4th grade. We were told that due to the AIG status we would have to seek help outside of the school, because my child did not qualify? The tutoring at McGee's is correcting homework, and test mistakes not really additional instruction.

    Also, we have to discuss all aspects of the money, and salaries come into play. These issues are not just a county issue, but also a statewide issue. There was an article on WRAL a few weeks ago concerning an audit done by the state where money was misused. The title is, Audit: Gifted Students May Be Short-Changed. The concern is that as taxpayers we have a right to know, and should have a voice in where the education money goes, or any money for that matter.
  14. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Pete and Repeat were sitting in a tree. If Pete fell out, who was left?
  15. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member


    Student tutoring is exactly as you discussed. The other issue is that students are failing the tests the first time they are given, but in tutoring they are allowed to make corrections for a better grade. So on paper they have a good grade but in reality they are failing to understand the concepts being taught. Last time I checked, and EOG can not be handed back to make corrections. How is this practice helping our children?
  16. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yeah, how could you possibly learn from going over your mistakes and correcting them? <rolls eyes>

    This is how my son's school works as well, and his lightbulb often goes off during corrections, like a slap on the head shoulda had a V8.

    I guess I'll "take a bow" with Madonna. :)
  17. What are your solutions, or do you just hurl insults? That's real helpful. We have to look at the big picture, and all areas are a concern. Do you care where your money goes?
  18. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    Guess you just continue to miss the point. The correction part is good - changing the grade in the grade book is not. Children are not allowed to go back and correct the EOG test. Are they? The teacher should reteach then retest to see if these struggling students are getting the concepts.
  19. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    You tell me?
  20. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    Guess Cleo has no solutions, and as she indicated to me earlier she just wants to fight with people in these discussion groups.

    Must not care where our tax dollars are going. I like you, DO CARE! :iagree:

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