This is open for discussion but as the title states don't you agree folks should do their bad habits outside. It seems you can't even go to a restaraunt without coming out smelling like a cigarette. I have absolutely nothing against smoking but when it affects other around you. It's bad news. Nothing like taking another shower before you hit the sack. Having a smoking area in a public place is like a p i s s ing area in a swimming pool. opcorn:
It's not illegal, so no. When drinking in public places in banned, then maybe. This from a reformed smoker:cheers:
I think you are confusing public and private places. Should smoking be banned in community parks or other publically funded areas? It depends, take a vote and decide (strictly speaking, the vote should be of those who visit such places). Should smoking be banned in restaurants and bars? Well, those aren't really public places. In short, they don't have to provide their services to you. The answer in this case is a flat out "NO". If I own a restaurant, I should be able to choose if I should allow smoking or not and my customers will decide if I chose correctly. If I allow smoking, and you don't like it, eat somewhere else.
It won't be long and you'll have your wish....smoking will banished to the outside for all and I too, will be very glad. It's a given that you smell like an ashtray when you leave most restaurants. I was so happy when they made the smokers move away from the entry of the doors (20 feet) to all State Buildings....thank God they enforce that here, in the State building were I work. baby steps....
BTW... I have been quit for 4 Months, 2 Weeks, 4 Days, 20 hours and 7 minutes (139 days). I have saved $440.19 by not smoking 2,796 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Week, 2 Days and 17 hours of my life. My Quit Date: 10/16/2007 2:10 PM And still I don't believe that you have the right to tell a business owner how to serve his customers.
:beathorse:Senseless reply... Don't remember coming home to shower because someone was drinking next to me. Maybe you should go back to smoking. Wait till they start upping the rates for health insurance for smokers. Getting life insurance is tough enough for smokers...oops. Another can o' worms.
I have been quit for 2 Months, 3 Days, 7 hours, 44 minutes and 49 seconds (63 days). I have saved $253.28 by not smoking 633 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Days, 4 hours and 45 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 1/1/2008 2:36 AM
No, but I do remember hearing on the news how drunk drivers kill people after leaving those public places. I'm sorry, but doesn't that increase insurance rates? My thoughts, if you don't want to smell like smoke, then don't go there. It's a free country, and I personally enjoy all the freedoms, not just the ones that fit my lifestyle. I don't have a problem taking another shower before bed so that I don't smell like smoke. :nopity: You're a real mature one aren't you?
OK..Southernborn and Clif, HOW DID YOU DO IT????? I want to quit so bad but it just isn't working. Laser? Patch? Chantix? PM me if you want....