C3 Church

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by sherrynewm, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    You might consider asking them from an environmental level, the Southern Baptists decided they were going to start being responsible stewards for the environment last week, see the link. All that Greenhouse gasses and money flushed down the drain.

  2. jennandchad

    jennandchad Active Member

    Interesting comments on that C3 article on NBC 17

    Just a few of the posts on that website shown below. The place has made a major impact in the cause for Christ on many families, married couples, teenagers, singles, etc. Why all of the continued harsh talk? I expect it from non-Christians, but from those that are Christians, shame on you. Enough already. There are real people going to that church every week and people getting saved there every week. What seems to be the problem? Is that not the purpose? Sure, not everyone that initially goes to C3 in the beginning stays over the long term, but many of them first put their faith in Christ there and went on to other churches and remained strong Christians. Again - this is a good thing as C3 is still helping advance the Kingdom. Yes, you may not agree with its methods and ways in which it is managed, but it is still a church that stands for Jesus so stop talking bad about it (that is if you are a Christian). When you put down C3, it's like you are putting down all of the amazing and dedicated Christian families that attend and contribute. That's pretty sad if you ask me. If C3 was not here, there would be less Christians in the Kingdom. I am not saying C3 is better than any other church, it is just a church that just happens to be advancing the cause and directing people towards Christ.

    The Lord hates...A man who stirs up dissention among brothers Proverbs 6:19 The Lord doesn't hate a lot of things, but many of you on this board do this routinely. This is your decision, but Christians must hold each other accountable.

    If the lights are of a concern and if you live by there, I can understand your concerns, just go there and demand to speak to someone about it and do not leave until they answer you. Complaining on the discussion board will get absolutely nothing accomplished. There is some happy medium here - they probably need some lights on for security purposes, but not all of them. I will also mention it myself to several of the leaders.

    From the NBC website....

    1) We love C3! It is truly a life changing church and they have a great children's program!

    2) The secret of the growth of C3 is found in the third paragraph of the article. C3 is "more nimble and creative while not compromising core beliefs." My husband and I have always been concerned that the church we attend, held to absolute truth and true doctrine. We have found that in the 4 years we have been attending C3, the preaching,small group Bible studies, and singing are always Bible based and lift up the name of Jesus Christ. That's keeping "the main thing the main thing!"

    3) Being raised Catholic, I wasn't taught to feel the Holy Spirit move within me. It was a spiritual life of rituals, duty and I was taught to fear God. Coming to C3 2 yrs ago, I felt God in ways that I've never felt before.I read the Bible.I listen to Pastor Matt and Martha's sermons, I listen to contemporary Christian music. I feel something and take that with me throughout the week. I feel God's presence in church each week, and instead of fearing Him, I feel his love. C3 is life changing.

    4) Our family was drawn to C3 because we were looking for a place where we could be accepted AND challenged. The truth is not compromised but simply presented in a modern way. We thank God for our church!

    5) Thank you for visiting with us at C3 Church. I was a Baptist and admit when I first went to C3 about 11/2 yrs. ago, it was different. But as I kept going and saw what we were doing for hurting people, it has become our church. My husband was baptized last year and said this is the first church he ever wanted to join. When I see all the teenagers there it is a joy to my heart. Pastor Matt and Martha are wonderful leaders and friends. We have to go with the flow today to reach people.

    These are real people folks....I know some of them.
  3. ws

    ws Well-Known Member

    build a turn lane
  4. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    there is real folks on here too. I know some of them.
  5. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  6. hrcnsfan

    hrcnsfan Well-Known Member

    I assumed simply because you came in in the middle of an exchange between peppercorns and myself. To me your post read as though that's what you were implying. My apologies if I was mistaken.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2008
  7. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

    Just a simple question regarding this verse you mentioned. What would you think about the leaders of C3 telling their members not to speak with former members unless they want their memberships revoked? This has happened numerous times, and this is fact. I believe in my heart that being a true Christian also means taking a hard look at things and being willing to stand up and speak the truth. Just the fact that C3 is a church does not give it "carte blanche" status.
  8. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

    no worries mate.....:hurray:
  9. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Hey Pep, go out there and start clapping.

    Clap on. Clap Off....
  10. HXCforCHRIST

    HXCforCHRIST Well-Known Member

    I do go to c3 and understand where you are coming from Pep. I can imagine it gets annoying and they should turn them off at a reasonable time. But on the flip side We do have a alarm system and even with the lights on in the parking lot with the old building we got broke into numerous times, paint balls shot all over the doors and the modulars in the back being broke into. So I can see both sides but also agree that they should turn them off or dim them late at night
  11. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    I don't want people to think I have the CLap!

    hee hee hee (never did - for the record)

    Anyhow.... That Proverbs quote about the Lord not liking those who stir up dissention...wow. That means there are a lot of us who are just plain doomed.....
  12. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    Thank you- I think it would also save the church money on the electric bill and allow then to do more good, rather then just pay a bill. i know many that go to your church, that I know and love, and just beause it is not my taste, I bear no ill will. (if I don't like something I don't have to go, period There are plenty of others to choose from...lol)

    i do think the beam on the cross is kinda cool,over the top, but cool. honestly though, I have enjoyed my daydreams of putting the stencil of a bat over it. (Think batman) Never would, but it was funny at the time.

    What kind of looser shoot paintballs at a church - any church or any persons place of worship? that's low. We had a problem with prowlers last summer and had the sheriffs out numerous times.
  13. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

    Did you find anything out pepper?
  14. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    no nothing yet but I haven't had the time to spare - I will though,....
  15. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Mar 13, 2008
  16. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    Interesting that on neither video was the Name Jesus Christ spoken except at the very end of the first one when it was associated with doing the social thing of being friendly. What I heard was God, God changing me, God this and God that, but no exalting the the Name of Jesus. Another word absent was the word "sin". No mention of it and the need for forgiveness. It seems that one can go there and have God on your own terms; not be threatened that you have to give up something of yourself in order to receive from Him.

    C3 video ending words were something to the effect that they were changing the world one life at a time. Again, where is Jesus?
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2008
  17. HXCforCHRIST

    HXCforCHRIST Well-Known Member

    You cant criticize anyone or anything from the Baptism Video considering MOST not all but most are new Christians and the fact that they have accepted Christ as their Savior and then that they decided to make a Public Confession of that acceptance is reason enough to Rejoice and thank God for saving those people.
    And also If you notice the title of the first video it was First Impressions, that was a training video for all the First Touch volunteers to show a testimony of how important that there role really is from parking cars to greeting and much more.
  18. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    I understand and would only hope that everyone will now be attentive to what is being said regardless of the content of the video. I have heard it many times from a preacher, "Its all about you Lord and not about us" only to have it be otherwise. Its not about Him but about us.

    BTW, I didn't criticise anyone. I made an accurate observation.
  19. Philo

    Philo Well-Known Member

    Why So Contentious, Ormly?

    Romans 14. Does it not apply to you, brother? Why not start your own church, if no church suits you, instead of throwing rocks? It's easy to tear down. Much more difficult to build up.
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    :lol::lol::lol:Welome aboard, he does have his own church. At Biscuitville...............................................8)

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