The way it should be done (Whoever wrote the harmonization did a fantastic job. Great.) We have heard our national anthem butchered, botched, hollered, screamed and warbled by all kind of "artists" in the past few years. Hardly anyone sings it the way it was written... until now! Just wait until you see and hear the "Cactus Cuties". This is from the Texas Tech-vs-University of Texas basketball game last month. The group is called the "Cactus Cuties" and they are adorable as they sing acapella. WOW! Peekaboo
ohh those kids gave me the chills they were soooo good. I sometimes wish we had a more "singable" National Anthem. I like "America the Beautiful" or "God Bless America".
Peek. I have it acapella done by Huey Lewis and the News. If you want a copy let me know. We'll figure out the logistics. H6
sigh...I love huey lewis and the news...I thought they were going to get back together and tour small venues...been doing the 'mom' thing and haven't been to concerts in, well, a REALLY long time (1991 Jimmy Buffett).
Thye were at the alltell with Chicago last year. Sounded great. I also saw HL at the AT&T pro am golf tourney. He said that as the band members got older and their kids grew up, that they wanted to spend more time home, rather than do so much touring. They have a standing date in Vegas for New Years, as well. Most of the guys still live in the SF Bay area, and like to keep it close to home. My perfect concert venue would be HL and the News along with the Eagles, in the non chemically altered section..I go for the tunes, not the dope.
My Dad who passed away in '05 agrees with you 100%. He remembered when they declared The Star Spangled Banner the National Anthem. He said it was written about a very unpopular war. I know I am going to get jumped all over here. There was a woman in Vermont who has probably passed on by now who dedicated her life to changing the National Anthem to ' God Bless America'.:iagree: