new special needs dog \3k walk

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Barrener River Short, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. In January I adopted a special needs dog from the Wake county SPCA. She is a tri-legged, tri-color, blue tick coon hound. I had created her a myspace page so people could see her. It is
    It also has the story of how she lost her leg.

    I have gone and signed her and myself up to walk in the SPCA 3k walk in April 19th

    That web page is:

    Please check out my dog Laila's myspace page and if you feel so inclined maybe you could sponsor us.

    Thank you in advance.
  2. le

    le Well-Known Member

    Kudos on the adoption. Your girl is a cutie!
  3. She is such a sweet heart. She gets around perfectly fine on three legs. Walks up
    and down the steps fine. She hopes up on the bed great. She does get a little nervous
    jumping off the bed but she gets down fine. She is on three different medications,
    Rimadyl, Tramadol, and Flouxetine (prozac). She is also on Glucosimine for her joints.
  4. I figure this 3k walk would do lots of good.
    A.) I need the exercise to get rid of my 50yo baby fat.
    B.) Help her with her walking
    C.) Help socialize her.
    D.) Raise money for a worthy cause
  5. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Someone from a golf forum that I read had posted the link and I posted it here as well in this thread.

    It's great what is being done, and I sure that Laila realizes just what you and the rest of her friends have done for her.

  6. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    We'll (the critters and I) sponsor you as soon as I get some spare cash together.

  7. myspace

    And if any one here has a myspace page and would like to have a tri-leg, tri-color, blue tick, coon hound as a friend feel free to add her (shameless plug)
  8. rntobe

    rntobe Well-Known Member

    Of course I will sponsor you. She is a terrific dog!!! Come everyone, lets support Laila and the SPCA!!!
  9. officially registered

    Well I went and gave the SPCA my registration fee on Saturday. So I am now officially registered for the walk.

    My goal is only $100.00 for now. Would anyone please sponsor me and Laila. thank you very much. Its for a good cause. The wake county SPCA
  10. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    OK, I will sponsor you for $10 if you will explain your avatar to me. Can you post a bigger image of it? It's just not making sense to me visually.

    PS: Good luck to you and Laila!
  11. oops i forgot to post the link

    i thank you and laila thanks you and the animals at the SPCA thanks you. I learned from watching the Jerry Lewis Telethon as a child that every little bit counts.

    times are tough for everyone. Gas prices are going up, food prices are going up, cost of living is going up, wages are not going up and not meeting the demand
  12. its a picture of a canal over a river in germany. if you want i can send you the full size picture, if you send me your email in a PM
  13. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I thought that's what it looked like, but a canal over a river just didn't make sense to me visually. BTW, I can't send you a PM, the system says you have chosen not to receive PM's. You can change that at UserCP>edit options if you want.
  14. thanks i have updated it
  15. WillSpanker

    WillSpanker Well-Known Member

    Speaking of Avatars,How do you get one.
    I need one and can't decide on what it would be:lol:
  16. Shameless plug

    Good Sunday morning to all.
    I was kind of hoping not to have to beg, But I am no were near the goal I set to raise money for the SPCA of Wake county. So I am asking again if people can feel in their hearts to donate to the SPCA. The web link is

    I thank you, my three legged Laila thanks you and I know the SPCA thanks you. It is also a tax deduction. So your accountant will thank you. Only two people from the 4042 boards have donated. KDsGrandma and Elims have both donated so far. Much thanks to both of them.

    My dog Laila I did get back in January is a three legged 'treeing walker coonhound mix' Her myspace page is on the main page it will tell you everything she had to go through in her short life

    Again thank you all in advance.
  17. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Apr 6, 2008
  18. I went out for about two hours to get my usually Sunday morning bagel and to read the paper and buy some groceries at Lowes and I just got home and I had three emails from SPCA stating there were three donations to the spca. I want to thank Vickie, Craig, RNTOBE, and Anonymous for their contributions. I am not a very religous person but I really want to say 'god bless' you all and thank you very much.
  19. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    I wish I could afford to sponsor more, or even walk for the cause myself, but with the wedding next week both cash and time are a bit strapped right now ... but best of luck to you and Laila!!
  20. Four days till the walk.....

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