My hubby is going crazy looking for an office manager! He's gone through 2 new girls in 8 days, and we're not sure where to look anymore. He's posted ads on Craigslist, is there a better way to find someone? He's getting tons of resumes, and he interviewed probably 8 people, but all were duds. It seems a lot of people (everyone?) lies on their resume/interview to get the job. This last one didn't know anything about anything, poor woman she was really sweet too. So anyway, where should we start looking, any suggestions? I just checked out, but you've gotta pay to look at resumes? Am I missing something here? Please help, we're desperate!
Maybe it's the title/salary thing. Years ago when I was an office manager they paid between 40-55k year salary. I have no idea what they pay these days...since I changed careers.
It is an office manager for a small residential construction company. Very small, only 3 other people in the company. Quickbooks knowledge is essential, as well as a good amount of computer knowledge. A lot of basic office duties, and some running errands. If anyone knows anyone, please PM me. The boss is a stickler for getting the job done very efficiently, and wants it done right. The person needs to be a quick learner and be good under pressure. I hope I didn't just break the 4042 rules, but if I did I'll delete the thread.
Well he's not paying anywhere near that, he doesn't even make that! But I will say he does give raises to anyone deserving, and also gives bonuses/incentives. He's really not bad to work for, but is a perfectionist. Probably the hardest part of the job is the office manager is the only one in the office for a big part of the day. Everyone else is out in the field, but hubby is in about 1/2 days. So it can be pretty quiet.
Hell that's exactly my job now! :lol: I could do ya'lls QB from home, I already have QB installed - easy as pie! Import your's into mine, well not mine, but you know what I mean. Close/Open another company file. I already run errands for our business, I don't drive the truck, so I couldn't pick up lumber or sheetrock. Whatcha gonna pay me? Oh, and I HAVE to have my fix :mrgreen:
Ahhhhhhh....thanks Ready!! I see where I became two!! Nope not the same person but work in the same office. Oh jimminy crickets....and I just asked about this job...........crapola...just busted
I didn't think your DH would be paying that kind of money, I was just saying it because some office managers do make a killing. But I would imagine our friend's job stress is quite high too.
Thanks Harley, but don't think that's what he had in mind! He does need someone at the office full time, otherwise he'd just keep me! It's kind of a high-stress job sometimes with demanding customers and such, but I'd love to do it if it weren't for my hubby and I didn't have lots of munchkins running around! PS - I saw a truck this weekend in Raleigh with a sticker on it that said HARLEY KID and thought of you! 8)
I appreciate all these PMs, they're great! But no one has answered my initial question, is there a place online to look for employees, or is there a better place to put an ad online? I'd love it if one of these great 4042ers who PM'd me worked out and I didn't have to place an ad anywhere!! :mrgreen:
Have you tried temp agencies? I know they are expensive but if that person doesn't fit with your husbands office environment you don't have to keep him/her. Plus they normally get screened and have some experience. Just a thought.
That's something he just asked me about today. I don't know anything about them. But I did tell him that might be a way to go as well, if he doesn't like one, then out with the old and in with the new. The only problem is that if it takes 10 people before he finds one he likes, he's not really training anyone, and he's still gotta do a lot of it himself. Does that make sense? Because there's no one else in there to train. His last f/t girl really messed him up, just left out of the blue with not much of a warning. So he's been scrambling since then...How do temp agencies work, and how do they charge?
I'm sure you are well aware that you gt what you pay for. Craig's List might let you post for free, but do you really want someone who's looking through Craig's List to find a job? costs, but that's where the good potential workers are. Locally you might try or And, of course there is always the 4042 classifieds .
From what I remember...its been awhile since I was Business Manager here and did hiring for receptionists etc.....I just called them up and told them what I was looking for as far as experience goes...and they sent me someone over the next day or so, now I did have some people that I did not care for so I just let the temp agency know and they sent someone new. As far as charges go, you would pay them say $15.00/hour and they would turnaround and pay the employee $10.00/hour or so. Granted those numbers aren't accurate but that is basically the way they work.