Check these guys out! They have won music awards all over the world. CAUTION! Their music can be highly addictive!
Bear... under that gruff exterior you might be all right! Thanks for turning me on to this group, they are right up my alley. Oh, and I am totally getting a Charango
I saw them at Quincy Market in Boston last summer and again in Chattanooga this past October. They are so cool. What a show they put on! I've only had a PC for a short time, but for some reason I can get on their website on firefox, but no music. I have to go to Internet explorer. I have all 12 of their CDs. Never get sick of it. (And 1 DVD).
I've been listening to it the whole time I've been posting. Awesome stuff! Some youtubes -
It's highly addictive. If you order a CD they're all great, but I'm a little partial to Vol. 12, their latest. Recorded live from Sanders Theater at Harvard University. It was released about two months ago.
thank you Bear! im like Cleo.. I have been sitting here listening to the music. They are great!:hurray: