First off let me start out my saying ...Happy easter ! A few weeks ago my 1 year old lil boy hit me in the face with his head . Making my nose bleed real bad and for a long time . That was like i said a few weeks ago ..I have since been getting nose bleeds alot .I'm wondering if someone can tell me what they think ? Has this ever happened to you ? I almost wonder if its from something else now but not sure what it could be ...Any help would be appreciated ....Thanks :ack:
I agree. Could be something minor, but I wouldn't assume it. I wouldn't think you would continue to have reoccurring nose bleeds after this long.
I would at least call and ask your doc. DH's family all gets nosebleeds during the winter due to the lack of humidity. So maybe your nose has not been able to heal properly because of the dry air?? We were told to run a humidifier to keep the air moist and not to blow if at all possible. Good luck.
I get nosebleeds too, especially in the dry winter months. Didn't happen till the last few years. It stinks to get old(er).
Thanks!!! yeah it seems weird to me to , still getting them after all this time .. but thanks i will ask about it . I dont have insurance so i wont be going to the doctors but i appreciate all your info ...Hopefully it stops cause its driving me Have a great day all
No never at the same time , Well i drink alot of water as a matter of fact thats about all i drink and i am in good health , I dont know what the cause is but its scares me a bit . Drives me crazy to because it has happened a few times while were out ...I am looking to get health insurance but right now cant afford it ..I have 4 children who need it and geeez that costs enough ! I was thinking about it after i posted and maybe it might be the Advil i have been taking for a backache ...Hopefully thats it and it will stop ...
The Advil could be a contributing factor. I had nose surgery over a year ago and I still have problems with blood in the nose. Could be that your son just hit you just right and it is taking a long time to heal correctly. I would suggest calling a dr's office, telling them what happened and asking how long you should allow for the bleeding to stop.
More than likely your nose was dry when it happened. In that case you possibly developed a small cut/crack inside your nostrils. It's just like another other wound. I would wait and see if it heals. This happened to me at the beginning of this year.
Homeopathy He could have inadvertently ruptured a blood vessel in your nose. If that is the case, the vessel should be cauterized or at least packed. If you are taking any meds that could thin your blood (aspirin) they should be discontinued. Being financial limitations rule-out the Dr route you could try the following: Homeopathic Remedies Ferrum Phos: Will provide O2 to cell membranes in order to rebuild cell walls Arnica: Rebuilds tissues **Phosphorus: Enables our blood to clot- I would try this first. More info Make sure to apply cold pressure to the nose at bleeding onset. If the bleeds happen during times of high activity, you may want to add fish oil supplements to your diet. Fish oil is great for circulation thus increasing your ability to heal. I don't know your financial situation, but the following link provides info regarding CHIP (NC's Children's health insurance program). Good luck
Yep, couldn't hurt to get it checked. Once I was with my Grandmother who has really high blood pressure. She inadvertantly took some cold medicine that you aren't supposed to take if you are on blood pressure meds. She ended up with a massive nose bleed, took her to the ER, they said if she hadn't had the nose bleed, she most likely would have had a stroke from the spike in her blood pressure. Scared the crap out of me, I can tell you that! Now she triple checks any med before she takes it. At 75, she's very lucky that high blood pressure is really the only health concern she has, but one you have to be very careful of.
Kiddo got hit in the nose once with a football. kept on bleeding here and there. Took her to ENT doc and he caterized the vessel. It was just in a spot that moved a lot and wouldn't heal well. Wasn't too bad for her. Then all the nose bleeds stopped.
What!? she a bunny wiggling her nose? Sorry couldn't help it and I just had to share my mental thought. Back to work now. :lol:
Watch taking something that could be acting as a blood thinner also. A LOT of pain/headache meds do that. Go to the clinic, hon. Could have ruptured something and you're continuously aggrevating it. Frogger
I want to tell you all how great i think you are !!!! Thanks so much for your info and concern ...I will definitely check in with a doctor and make sure its nothing serious . I have been a bit worried but as a mother you always worry about everyone else first ..Now its time to worry about myself for a min, Thats about all i have is a min ...I went for a check up not long ago and nothing was said about high blood pressure but i will have it all checked again as soon as i find an affordable doctor! Anyways i do appreciate all your help ...Thanks darlings Have a wonderful day and i will check it out and let you know
I am happy to hear you are going, I am sure it will be OK but your description had me worried! Hope all works out all right for you and your family!
At least, in the meantime, run by CVS and do the free blood pressure machine. Just to make sure your blood pressure isn't the problem.