:evil: now they've changed the forecast...!! Supposed to be nice on Fri, then cold all weekend...burrr..:cry:
never, ever believe weather forecast more than a day or two in advance....especially around here.....
Well, DH is off Friday, he can knock out all the yard work..... cold Saturday sounds like a good day to go to the mall and shop for spring/summer clothes! May go get a pedi and get these toes in shape for the sandals.....
Just remember, the same people who can't decide what the weather will be like in four days are the same ones who want to warn you about global warming in 100 years.
i wish i could feel a cold coming on for Friday, after having off last Friday and Monday, this week could not possibly feel any longer.
I'm thinking I may take it off now. Gotta work Sat afternoon, so may as well take advantage of the weather on Friday. Especially since poor DS really has had a boring Easter break. Gotta think of something fun for us to do together.
I have to do taxes this weekend and I'd rather dig a ditch with a baby spoon! But if it's cold outside I will not be so P****about having to be inside.
Friday I'm starting to feel guilty.....NOT. I'm playing in a golf tournament Friday afternoon then off all next week on vacation.
hooky on firday Its my Birthday Friday, Im trying to figure out how to get off work. I feel one hell of a drunk coming on! Would like to start at breakfast
I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I hate y'all! I am stuck teaching a seminar up in Chicago, since I got out the ground is now all white and they say we will get 3" more before midnight! I am kidding, I don't really hate you all!
Awww Hught :grouphug: Hurry home! Done with work today, taking my rep out for his birfday for lunch, hopefully we can sit outside somewhere!!!!! Gotta work on my farmers tan every chance I get :mrgreen:
LMFAO!!!! I spent last weekend and most of my week on the stupid taxes. If they could write these forms in ENGLISH, it might actually be a little easier to figure out, dontcha think?
i hear it has been a mess for the past week up there, my future dil tried flying into Chicago last Friday am and got stuck in PA with all flights into Chicago cancelled, didn't get into Chicago until Sat mid day:shock: