LOS ANGELES — A Texas woman who said she was forced to remove a nipple ring with pliers in order to board an airplane called Thursday for an apology by federal security agents and a civil rights investigation.
I read that last night, and can't understand why having a female check her out wouldn't have been appropriate and enough?? It's very scary when they pull you off like that. Happened to me a couple years ago, I made flight arrangements to PA to be with my Mom and apparently if you do it just a few hours in advance of your flight time, they kinda flag your ticket for extra security checks. Then the hairclip I had in my hair kept setting off the metal detector alarm. I was on the verge of tears till we finally figured out what was wrong, but they had a female employee pat me down, and everything was fine then. It was handled very professionally, but I was still freaked out, let me tell you.
TSA is so bogus. For most of what I have observed about them, TSA has granted a minimum wage person a little authority which they can so easily abuse, just to feel important. Folks, we have the "illusion" of security. Security is a binary position, much like pregnancy. One is either, or one is not. My experience is that we've allowed so much intrusion into areas that need not be intruded. If the need for security is so pervasive, where is it at AMTRAK or GREYHOUND? As a military planner, I was paid to think the "unthinkable". And before I get yelled at for planting seeds in the minds of those who seek to do us evil, mentioning stuff like this is not revealing any secrets. Planners on both sides have thought of this in greater detail and more permutations of possibilities. If a terrorist was going to be unobtrusive, do you really think they'd go to a place where they knew they would be searched and screened so heavily? Methinks not. However, introducing some type of WMD through the rail or bus system places just as many at risk, seeing that these two types of transportation are unguarded, yet go through the centers of populated areas. In this case, as in most, TSA overreacted. The passenger could have easily been screened by a female agent, and allowed to board.
I do agree the TSA overreacted in this case. It amazes me what they do here compared to some of hte other countries. My son was stopped in Paris on the way home but another guard came over and then it was fine. But oh, we get to Atlanta and go through immigration and it was an absolute nightmare. Do they really think a 6yo is packing a WMD? Seriously. Of course he's going to set of metal detectors and such...he's got a prosthetic leg..duh. They tested him for gunpowder,etc. It was nuts and almost cost us our connecting flight home to RDU. It shocks me just who they choose to pick and randomly search. We were coming home, going through Boston another time and who do you think they pick to search? Yep, the family w/ two little kids and a giant stuffed elephant. I swear I thought they were going to give that stupid stuffed elephant a cavity search--LOL. It is definitely good to be cautious, but I think a little common sense would help. And also, try not to embarrass these people who are being searched. We've done quite a bit of international travel but the US is more tight than most international hubs w/ the exception of Moscow. I agree w/ Hatteras6. Much more damage could be done w/ other modes than the airlines. And I do agree that there are many more things that we all haven't thought of. Playing it safe is good but it is also a false sense of security. That being said, safe travels! Stephanie--mom to 7
I think that's a load of crap. I just flew out to Philly last month and I had no problems with my body jewelry!
You cannot compare one airport's TSA to the next the are very inconsistent. I would say that only about one in ten TSA agents ever stop me for my nipple shield.