Walmart vs. a brain damaged woman

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by GlobeBiz, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. GlobeBiz

    GlobeBiz Well-Known Member

    Saw the news today on CNN about Walmart is after an ex-employee who is now brain damage after a horrible accident to recoup the medical expenses. I can't believe when I heard the story, Walmart is EVIL. A $90 billions sales for them, what a $200k mean to them? But to the woman that mean a world to her. She is in the nursing home and depend on this money to survive. We all know Walmart is not legally wrong of doing this, but morally Walmart is purely evil. I will never spend another cent at Walmart.
  2. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yeah it sucks - but this is the sick world we live in.

  3. rcmommy

    rcmommy Well-Known Member

    you can't sleep either I see! LOL! 8)
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Not right now, I am wound up. I will pay for it tomorrow! I have such a long weekend planned.
  5. rcmommy

    rcmommy Well-Known Member

    me too! When the kidlets will be up bright and early! :?
  6. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Don't I know. At this point I might get 6 hours of sleep. Egads!
  7. rcmommy

    rcmommy Well-Known Member

    But seriously....Walmart...evil...all they want is my money. They take it every time I walk in their store.

    Her story is sad. Didn't mean to hijack the thread there for a minute. Walmart is guilty of all sorts of corporate "evils". Most companies are. Boycotting them only hurts the economy and the little people. It really doesn't hurt the company in the end. It just drives the prices up.
  8. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Walmart = Evil Empire
  9. rcmommy

    rcmommy Well-Known Member

    yup yup....I absolutely hate going there. I swear they have something in the air that makes our children turn into whiney, grouchy, grabby, little monsters as soon as we walk in the door. At least I could always dangle the stinkin' free sugar cookie Ms. Faye would give them in the Bakery if they were good. Well dang it all, the Evil corporate poop heads at WalMart spoiled that fun even for the kids. On our last trip the kids were good <shocker> and on that last round to the bakery they ask nicely for their cookie and we were informed that "That program has been discontinued." What? they start whining and mommy starts digging in the purse for some gum or bank lollipops. Gotta luv the bank lollipops in a pinch. 8)

    Last edited: Mar 29, 2008
  10. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    It's not greed doing this, it's a health plan. The couple signed on to this health plan just like all other Walmart employees did.

    The problem is that if Walmart doesn't recoup the money from the Shanks, per the terms of the plan, the other Walmart employees will have been "breached" illegally. They can all sue. All of the employees that signed up for this plan, agreed to these terms. Walmart has a fiduciary duty to the plan.

    If they pay for her medical expenses outside the plan, how would they be able to justify not paying for every other disabled/injured/sick person who was or is an employee at Walmart?

    It's not Walmart that is being unfair, it's life. And sadly, life tends to be unfair at times.
  11. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    You can't call Walmart evil. It isn't ran by one man. It's ran by thousands, men and women alike. They are in it to make money. But when it comes down to it. They are like any other corporation. They are trying to make as much money as possible. And thats their job. Otherwise what's the point?
  12. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    That's what I said Mag. ;) Their health plan is a joke. Go look up the numbers and and see how many folks opted for medicaid/Healthsource in place of Walmart's great benefits package. Makes no sense.

    Walmart = Evil Empire
  13. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    That is most ins. company's policy. I had a bad accident, sued, won, and I had to pay back what they paid in medical expenses (BCBS). It's called subrogation.
    Does it seem right? No. It is what it is.
  14. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I know at Sam's that program is still running, lord knows it's the adults that come and get a cookie or 5, even though they are only for the kids.
  15. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I have their health plan, it's not bad..not the best I have had from a job. oh I work for Sam's, so not sure how differant Sam's is from Walmart ( know sort of one and the same), but they are differant in alot of ways.
  16. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Why do people consider Walmart evil? I've never really gotten the gist of that.
  17. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Because Walmart is so bad that when you walk in the door your kids go crazy :)..never had that problem with my kid.
    Walmart is bad for me cause when I walk in there I tend to spend more then what I need.
  18. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I think it is bad becasueof the wages/benefits they give their USA retail employees. The fact something is assembled in China for .15 cents (by waaaaay underpaid workers ) and then sold for 15.00 in the USA. I don't think this is what Sam Walton had in mind.
  19. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    oh you are not telling me nothing about the pay, remember I work for Sam's and I know I'm underpaid for what I do there. Walmart pays less then Sam's does. I would never work at a Walmart store..but at this point only having 20 years of retail manament experience no one is willing to pay what I'm I'm trying to learn something new and hope I can take it some where else..don't know yet.
    My dream wasn't doing what I'm doing now..but it's what I have to do to care for my daughter.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2008
  20. GlobeBiz

    GlobeBiz Well-Known Member

    Let me tell you why Walmart is EVIL.

    Guys - I know it's all about capitalism but consider this:

    - Products in Walmart stores are mostly made in development countries in Asia where workers are paid less than 2 dollars a day. Not to mention that those workers are not paid healthcare benefits any sort of insurance. If they're sick, injured while working and die, that's their fault. This is speaking from experience, been there, seen that.

    - When a Walmart store opens up in your neighborhood, all the mom & pop small business are out. Simply these small business can't compete. Once it WalMartized your town, you're sucked in its world. Again, it's just capitalism, but it destroys the social life in community that we once enjoyed.

    - Since these small business are driven out of business, Walmart destroys more jobs than it creates. The jobs Wal-Mart creates are fewer, lower-paying and mostly part-time.

    and now I know Walmart wanne be $200k richer - guys, it's nothing wrong with that, just morally WRONG.
    The list will go on when I have time...

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