West Johnson High

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by jennandchad, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. jennandchad

    jennandchad Active Member

    I have a friend that is potentially moving to the area and his children will both be in high school. Can a few parents please provide there opinions on the quality of schooling, the principal, etc. and any insight on major issues they have, if any.

    Thank you!
  2. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    The kids are squeezed in like sardines right now.
  3. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Right now they have just started the process of building a new high school in the same area as West, to be called Cleveland HS and the districts have not been finalized. I believe it is to be finished in 2009-10? So it would be hard to say at this point where they would attend school. Sorry, thats not much help is it...:confused: There is a thread about an upcoming meeting for the proposed district lines.
  4. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Yes, they are! As far as the school and teachers...we have been satisfied. I think overall they do a great job considering they're over-crowded and the day-to-day things that go on (at any school) with the kids.
  5. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    I am a full time sub at WJHS, teaching all classes. I have a BS in Economics, and a classical liberal arts education,with a military background. I cover all academic areas. I will tell you that the schools offer opportunity to excel. I've had the enviable task of teaching students that I consider to be world class, and the uneviable one of trying to teach some who are beyond caring. Yet, we still try to reach them. Parenting most definitely shows here, IMO. The classes are full in some areas, and not in others. As one who hopes to inspire all students to learn and achieve, most of the students are a pleasure, some are a pain.

    Faculty and staff are student oriented. I see the passion that most bring to work, and am glad that my DD will attend there.

    I think a lot of it depends on what you expect from the school and what your contribution (and that of your child's) to the process will be. Schools can't do it by themselves.

    YMMV, depending on your level of support of your student and the school.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2008
  6. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    I have a WJHS freshman, and she has had a great first year. I feel like she is being well prepared for the SAT and ACT. The only real complaints that she has had for the entire year have to do with overcrowding...she did not get a locker because she waited too long and there are not enough lockers for all of the students (but apparently she claims she would not use it anyway because would not have time to get to it between classes, at the end of the day, etc...I don't know how valid this is, just is what she tells me) and the other complaint is that the lunchroom is too crowded, the lines too long to eat school lunch so she paperbags it everyday and that lets her find a place to sit. She has, for the most part, enjoyed her classes and her teachers, which is significant for a sulky 15 year old to feel that way. She is looking forward to next year. I have no complaints so far, and the school itself is beautiful.
  7. sillymom

    sillymom Guest

    I think West is a typical high school with it's share of problems. I have a freshman and really don't have any complaints. The biggest issue at West is if don't want it stolen don't take it to school because you will donate it another student! and the school will not do anything about it because it is such a big problem. But all of my child's teacher have done a good job at keeping me informed and even coming in to school early to give her extra help even though their normal tutoring schedules were afterschool they came in the morning to work around sports schedules. I am happier with the High School than the I am the Middle School.
  8. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    I have a Senior. She is pretty happy with the school and likes most of her teachers. I like MOST of her teachers. I have butted heads with a few here and there and I am not the kind of person to let it go, so I go to the school whenever there is a question. I think and active parents is imprtant for some students to suceed. They have an open door policy and are good about listening to when need to be heard. (just don't swear - they sic the sheriff on you then) :)
    The school is a bit and only a bit crowded - I have seen mush worse. But all that is of no importance since they are in the process of building another high school. Wake county is awful and I will make no bones in telling you, that those schools were part of the reason I moved to Johnson County.
    THe Band is very popular and goes a lot of places. For character building, I recommend the Army ROTC. It has been a wonderful program for my daughter and her peers - and no - they don't have to join..lol
  9. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    Please allow me to add the compliments to the Army ROTC program. The express mission of Junior ROTC is to prepare good citizens, not serve as an enlistment source for the military. That said, many of the kids here find that they like the discipline and growth that they expereince in ROTC. For those kids who do well in the program, and choose to enlist, they are able to enlist at advanced rank. Used to be that the recommendation from ROTC for an enlistee allwed them to enlist at an E-3 rank, placing these kids about a year ahead of the rest. They pay differential is considerable, as well.
    My DS was in ROTC for all four years. He's much better off for it. ROTC does indeed offer the opportunities for young people to make a difference.

  10. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Oh, and just FYI - it's Johnston county/high school. We all knew what you were talking about - but if you're gonna live here, ya gotta work on that! :lol:
  11. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    thank you for saying that. this is a big pet peeve of mine.....people not pronouncing the county properly.
  12. ponychick

    ponychick Well-Known Member

    I love West

    All three of my kids went to West, my third is a freshman right now. I really feel WJ is receptive to parents, and they do have a problem with overcrowding, but they are handling it well. My older son was active in ROTC and Raiders - what a great program. It builds character and fosters value in the kids. My son moved to SD to be with his dad for awhile, and he started a Raiders club out there, for his last year in high school. I'm very proud of him.
    My youngest son was on the wrestling team this past year, and I was very impressed with the coach and his family. They sacrifice so much time and effort for the kids.

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