Nasty Restaurant

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by WystonResident, Mar 30, 2008.

  1. Today I went to Jersey Mike's on Hwy. 70. I ordered a sandwich and asked the Owner to wear gloves. His reply was, " We are out of gloves and what benefit would you get from me wearing them anyway?". I could not believe this. In addition to that, he stated, " The gloves are meant to protect the wearer and not the diner." He also asked me did I know where the gloves came from? Of course I said, "I do not know." He said that he did not know either. However , he knew where his hands had been. Also, he had a couple of well worn clothes he was using to clean the area. They were very dingy. I told him that they did not look like the cleanest of towels. He said that they had been there all day and had not left the station and that he felt comfortable using them. Of course I decided not to order and I will never go there again.

    I have read some of the previous posts about this place, but now I have learned my lesson. I will never go there again. I hope you do the same.
  2. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    That's just nasty. I don't like Jersey Mike's anyway but I would have done the same thing you did and walked out.
  3. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    The JM's at 40/42 is a great sammich place. Always clean, always good service. I would have left the restaurant, and immediately called the JoCo Health Dept to complain.
  4. Hoof-Hearted

    Hoof-Hearted Well-Known Member

    I thought it was the law that the people working with food be required to ware gloves. I would have went home and contacted the fda or the local health dept. to find out. That is just nasty and unsanitary. What was their food service score? I bet it was less than an 80. Thanks for the warning about this place. Did you go to
  5. I am going to contact the health department tomorrow. I did not see the sanitation grade either. Not only was it terrible service, but he was really arrogant.
  6. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    No, you are not legally required to wear gloves. Otherwise what would be the point in employees washing their hands? I know it's gross. Personally you should want to wash your hands often. But no, it isn't the law. Can you imagine sautee cooks wearing gloves for 8 hours?
  7. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

  8. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    I like Jersey Mikes subs but they are expensive! Our family saves $ by going to subway instead :)
  9. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Where is it on 70? I went to the one on Timber recently and wasn't impressed by that one either. I agree, I like the one at 40/42, it's cleand and they are friendly.
  10. 1pittsburgh

    1pittsburgh Well-Known Member

    We went to that Jersey Mike's about 5 months ago and we too were not impressed. The guys were rude and they also did not wear gloves. We decided we would not be going back. Recently on WRAL they received a poor grading for the restaurant ratings. Usually Jersey Mike's are at the top of the ratings.
  11. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    They are in the Lowes Foods shopping center on Hwy70 in Clayton.
  12. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    If you are working with food and touching the food your are required to wear gloves. If you take those gloves off, you must wash your hands again before you put a new pair on.
    I do cakes, when I have to touch the cakes or sprinkles or anything like that I have to wear gloves, but when I'm decorating, I don't wear them cause I'm not touching the cake or the icing.
    On the bread side of the bakery they wear gloves at all times cause they are touching the food at all times.
    If you touch money, you must re wash your hands before putting on another pair of gloves.

    He should have been wearing gloves, and I don't blame them for walking out.
  13. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I grossed DH out the other night talking about handling food. :mrgreen: We were watching something on the food network, and you know how they have to handle/touch the food so much for some of those fou fou dishes, no gloves, and I was telling him it grossed me out to think about someone touching my food that much. He asked why.................I said, ain't you ever watched CSI? People are shedding skin cells all the time! :ack:

    Long story short, if you are touching my food, wear some dang gloves!
  14. Kdog

    Kdog Well-Known Member

    I had a problem at the same Jersey Mikes one time. There were 3 teenage kids there goofing around and they made me feel like Iwas bothering them by ordering. I bit into a fatty piece of ham and have not had any since (which is a good thing). Quiznos is the same thing the workers make you feel like youare bothering them by being there and ordering.
  15. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    you know your right lol,
    but, I was also wondering in our bakery we have to wear hair nets which are a pain in the butt, but I notice that when I go places to eat that they don't have to wear them..hats is all they have to wear, and that isn't enough to keep your hair out of the food..something I might ask the health inspector when he comes back through.
  16. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    In my restaurant years ago, we opted to not do the gloves. It wasn't required at the time. What they were finding in research was that the employess would sweat and it would seep through the gloves into the food...YUCK! Employees were great about washing hands as I had one who was a real germaphobe and would keep everyone else in line--LOL. I found in restaurants after talking w/ other managers that the employees who wore gloves tended to wash their hands less than those who didn't. Just an observation though through other eyes.

    As for those inspection grades, I now take them w/ a grain of salt after being on the other side. What they DON"T tell the public is you can easily up your grades by taking extra courses in hygiene, stuff like that. What they also don't tell you is some of the litte things they take points off for. I can understand undercook meat, food stored improperly, etc. but ceiling tiles? Yep, my restaurant had points taken off for 2 bad ceiling tiles that were actually on order. Not a threat to food or anything, not falling down, just time to replace them. Didn't matter. Quite a few points off for that. Now, all this stuff was WAY long time ago and I'm sure how things have changed over the years. I can just go by my experiences. But if you feel a place is not sanitary, do NOT eat there. AGain, these are MY experiences and MY opinions. EVeryone is an individual and opinions will vary. Take it for the 2 cents it's worth--LOL.

    Happy Dining!

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  17. Thanks for all the replies.

    The main thing was the fact that he tried to question me about why I wanted him to wear gloves. I have been in customer service for over twenty-five years and I do not believe that customers are always right. However, even if a customer is wrong, it does not give you a right to try to belittle them. Maybe it could have been excusable if he was an employee, but this guy was the OWNER. I think he was shortsighted and tried to prove a point with the wrong person. After all, it was a request and it became a full-blown discussion.

    I even said that it is a good thing surgical teams do not use the same type of logic, while operating on people. Wow, the nerve of this guy.

    They always wear gloves at SUBWAY.
  18. I SAW IT ALL


    I witnessed the entire event. Though the customer, Wynston, politely asked the owner to wear gloves, he was given a hard time. To be certain, the owner was sarcastic, arrogant, and did not make an effort to satisfy the customer in any way. To demonstrate my displeasure with this situation, I will not return to this establishment. Not only were his comments patronizing, but I am disturbed that he did not have any gloves to wear.
  19. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Ever notice how a number of our new members are always witnesses to events like these?

    I am not sure the Webmaster would be thrilled that when ever crap happens the first thing we think of is signing up for the 4042 discussion groups.
  20. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    I thought his name was "Wyston." If a person can't spell the subdivison they live in, I'm not sure I trust their judgement. I've eaten at Jersey Mikes a lot and like them, although I will admit the one on 70 isn't the best. I know they wash their hands between every order. I have witnessed people wearing gloves, handling the money, touching their hair and nose, without ever changing their gloves. In my opinion, I would rather see them wash their hands frequently than wear gloves. If the gloves are germy, does it really matter?

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