I asked why because I was 17 when I graduated from high school, which means some are younger than 18 and some are older than 18. Who decides the age and what is the reasoning?
it goes by what you filed for you 2007 taxes....if you claimed an 18 year old, because they are disabled, full time college, still in high school, doesn't matter the reason, they are basing it on how you filed in 2007. pretty darn simple.
I figured as much, I am one of few words, no need to throw in all the negativity and reasoning (not speaking of anyone in particular)....just cut and dry, simple, thats the way I roll!! :lol:
Yes it is girl. All we have is a mortgage and 1 car payment. Wooohoooo...we worked our rears off to pay off debt, my feeling now is if i can't pay cash, I don't need it.8)
what would i give to be in your situation. my past money desicions i am still paying for, and will for some time!
thats us, two mortgage payments (beach house and house here) and my car payment, THATS IT. I am a CASH only kinda chick!!
Sorry, the child has to be eligible for the child tax credit. That means under age 17 (and with a valid SS#). http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=179211,00.html
I saw this a yahoo a few weeks ago: Will I get more for my child? In many cases, there is a rebate bonus for children. But not for all kids. For rebate purposes, a qualifying child is one who is younger than 17. That means that taxpayers who claim an older college student as a dependent won't get the extra money. Neither will college kids themselves be happy. The rebate bill specifically makes dependents, or even those who could be claimed as a dependent, ineligible for the rebate. So students who can be claimed by parents won't get rebates even if they held jobs outside class that otherwise would have qualified them for the money. "The kid may have $3,000 in income, but his parents are paying much more for his college expenses so he's a dependent," says Bob D. Scharin, RIA senior tax analyst form Thomson Tax & Accounting. "It does seem unfair that the child can't claim the rebate."
Rebate Checks [FONT='Verdana', 'sans-serif']As you may have heard, the Bush Administration said every one of us would now get a nice rebate. If we spend the money at Wal-Mart, it will all go to China. If we spend it on gasoline it will all go to the Arabs. If we spend it on fruit and vegetables it will all go to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala. If we purchase a good car it will all go to Japan or Germany. If we purchase electronic gadgets it will all go to Taiwan or Malayasia. We need to keep that money at home to strengthen our economy here, so the best way to spend it is for prostitutes and beer, the only truly functional businesses still in the U.S. My name is Elliot Spitzer and I approved this ad... [/FONT]
It was also mentioned they would be sending them out based on the last two numbers of your SSN#. God knows when I will get mine LOLOL
Stimulus Payment Schedule for Tax Returns Processed by April 15 Economic stimulus payments will be issued according to the last two-digits of the main filer's Social Security number. People who use direct deposit also will be among the first to receive the payments starting May 2. Paper checks will be put in the mail starting May 16. DIRECT DEPOSIT Last two SSN digits: Payment will be transmitted: 00 through 20 May 2 21 through 75 May 9 76 through 99 May 16 PAPER CHECK Last two SSN digits: Payments will be mailed by: 00 through 09 May 16 10 through 18 May 23 19 through 25 May 30 26 through 38 June 6 39 through 51 June 13 52 through 63 June 20 64 through 75 June 27 76 through 87 July 4 88 through 99 July 11
How do I do direct deposit anyone have a quick answer? I am thinking I may get direct deposit as that is how I received my tax refund the last 2 years.