My sisters birthday is tomorrow, she was born just after midnight.. so I always tell her she was just a late April Fools joke that came true...because my mother knew I didn't want a little sister...LOL
I got DH....... had him going, told him the glass co came out to repair my w/s and broke the entire w/s out and left and now it was raining in my car. Told him the glass co said it wasn't there fault.....HE HIT THE ROOF! :jester::jester::jester: he was so ****ed, then as I was hanging up to call the insurance co as he told me to, he told me he loved me and I responded w/ HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY! THEN HE CUSSED ME OUT, but in a fun way............ I was laughing so hard... what a fun day!
My hubby told me he lost his paycheck from Friday!!! (Nope, I wasn't happy!!!!) then he busted out the April Fool's!!!! It was freakin' 7:30 a.m.!!! I hadn't had my coffee yet!!! But yup...he got me :lol: Now...for paybacks....
I gotta come up with something good! Maybe I need a beer already to get my bring working? :lol: no beer yet I have a pile of work still to do :hurray:
My 12 year old got me. He had called on my way home from work, but could not answer the phone. When I called back, I asked him how his day was. He replied, OK.. I then asked if he was calling because he wanted to let me know he was home because he had been late the day before. He said No. He said he was calling ( in a soft spoken I'm about to get in trouble voice ) that he was calling me to let me know ahead of time, that he was suspended for 10 days. I flipped...... Next thing out of his mouth was "April Fools!!".. I told him that was not EVEN funny....
I picked my son up after school today and told him that he did not put his glass of juice away this morning. I did n't see it and put down the brand new lap top and silled the juice all over it. I told him he had to tell his dad because it was his juice. Man the look on his face had me cracking up and I said April Fools. He was not happy buy it made my day. So now can I be mother of the year yet? :mrgreen:
I just called the kids down for dinner and when they got downstairs, they sat down and put their napkins in their lap, there was nothing on the table.....LOL.....I said....April Fool....hehehehehe..... :jester:
I won 2 tickets to the Hurricane's game tomorrow night at work and called hubby and told him to get a friend to go with him. When he got home tonight he asked where the tickets were and I said, "April Fools!". He was not amused. I had to give him the tickets so he would believe me!
Here's a quick one you can pull at home on your family, if you have Microsoft XP and the right graphics card... If you hit Ctrl + Alt + down (the down arrow) will turn their screen upside down. To fix, hit Ctrl + Alt + up (the up arrow). I've been doing this to people at work all day and it's been a blast. :lol: P.S. Using the side arrow keys will rotate to either side also.
I got DH really good. You see, he's out of town for a while, and I have this tendency to do crazy things when he is gone. This time it was adopt a 6 month old black lab. I did tell him about it over the phone, but he was none too happy. Well, I took her to the vet yesterday to get all the shots, etc. I called him today just to see how his day was going, then I told him we got some bad news on the dog...she's pregnant! He hit the rough. His first comment was ...well you know where we keep the guns! Nice guy. I then told him April Fool! I think he was so happy he could not stand it! (BTW, she's getting 'fixed' on Thursday!)