I think My husband was looking into playing...How much are the fees? Nevermind...I see it now. Its just $40...right
well, not to knock his team, but I may know another team thats playing in Clayton. Last two years they came in 2nd place. As for Kdog....I think I know who he is. He didn't like my husbands homerun on youtube! It's all GOOD!
Cool..can I see the Youtube link. PM if you know if the other team needs more players, fees, etc. Thanks
Yeah....that's my big mouth! I love sports! My son's say I embarrass them sometimes being so loud.......oops!
I have thought about it...lol You know Spivey's Corner has their thing! One of the Grandparents from my sons' baseball team won the Spivey's Corners Hollering Contest and I was no competition to her at the games! That lady had a set of lungs on her!