Happy update! That's so funny, KDC, I actually know the girl who posted that ad. I would have been all over that if I had not already had a great lead. Update: Have not been able to be on for a bit but wanted to tell all of you thanks so much for your help. You guys really make a rat sound like fun. I'd be willing to try it out myself, but DH has an absolute HORROR of rats and mice. When he was a boy, he had a terrible dream that he was in bed and could not move and rats & mice were eating his feet off. :? He is doing good to deal with the hamsters we have :lol: Anyway, we now have a wonderful, sweet, gentle, tame and adorable new hamster named Oliver thanks to the kindness of a fellow 4042er. This guy is so easy to hold and play with, very laid back. He's a pudgy thing too - soooo cute. He needed a new home where he would get more attention and he is the absolute perfect hamster for us. Not a baby but not too old either. DD is thrilled with him and she is SO proud that she finally has a hamster she can actually touch and hold. We ALL just adore him and he gets tons of love and attention and time in his exercise ball and just running around. What a blessing to have him for DD. My hands are healing well now. The soreness is almost gone except for a couple of places. I did go to the Doc and had to get a tetnus shot and go on antibiotics :evil: (Stupid hamster). One thumb is still bruised and sort of swollen and sore but it is improving. Who knew how nasty the litte fellow could be :? So, thanks again to all for your help and the info. And, THANK YOU to my fellow 4042er again for your kindness. All is well again in our hamster family.
:lol: No, no stew, but when I got that shot I did say "stupid hamster" and that's not what I really wanted to say :twisted:
Update All is still well with our new hamster, "Oliver". He is such a sweetie and DD adores him so much. I need to get pics and post them in the who's your pet thread.