Heck, sometimes there's 10 cents difference just driving across the bridge at 40/42, and there's usually at least 10cents difference from exit 319 to exit 312. I don't get that, either.
Here is a chart showing medain income since 1967 adjusted for inflation. http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/income/medhhinc.html
They're all blood suckers. The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, the middle class will get smaller, and squeezed.
The Prius is only a gas saver if you drive it around town. If most of your driving is out on the freeway you are far better off sticking with a traditional gas engine. My 93 Escort got better freeway (and probably in town) mileage than a Prius. And it would blow the doors off a prius also
I'll just stick to walking....may be I will loose some of my belly fat that I have been carrying for the last 3 years.
Good thing you're here to cover for me on these issues, since I seem to be slacking off today in favor of other pursuits.