I have a family member who is one, very very sad and heart breaking..... at first I thought I could fix it but have at this point (5 plus years later) have had to cut off contact with them. Some typical signs of meth use: 1. Lack of sleep, 2. Lack of appetite, 3. Nervous twitching, 4. Blaming others, 5. Grinding teeth, 6. Clenching jaw, 7. Seldom smile, 8. Avoid family and normal friends, 9. Unable to be responsible, 10. Dental and skin health gets worse, 11. Abnormally high amounts of energy, 12. Paranoia, 13. Obsessive perverse sexual behavior, 14. Enlarged pupils, 15. Tweaking.
anxiousness nervousness incessant talking extreme moodiness and irritability repetitious behavior sleep disturbances false sense of confidence and power aggressive or violent behavior disinterest in previously enjoyed activities severe depression
but it is such a sad addiction, I agree alcohol is bad too, but add the both together and BAM! I have a watched a beautiful productive citizen to society......deteriorate to a meth addict you would see on cops and be like OMG! :cry: ok, Kimmie needs to move on to a new subject...
Hmmmmm.... I'm not liking what I'm reading. I see many of these symptoms in my friend. Gosh, I'm not sure what to do now. Ummmm....advice welcome! Kimmie and Clif, I'm sad for the loss you experienced in your loved ones. I/m curious Clif, why do you say alcohol is more dangerous than meth? Not that I can't see the danger, but meth seems to get an almost instant hold on people and they it appears to damage their health much faster? What are you thoughts on this?
Absolutely. I'm not saying that Meth is good, certainly not. But in the grand scheme of addictive drugs, meth is pretty light.
No personal experience here but that contradicts everything I have every heard or read about this terrible drug.
wow, I wish in the grand scheme of things meth was "light". We have battled that drug for years w/ our family member and it's one of the toughest things I have ever fought. And this person has wanted to get clean before and gone to re-hab only to relapse twice that I know of. from what I have been advised, it has one of the stongest grabs for addiction, b/c it makes you always in search of the high you got the 1st time and no matter how long you do it, you will NEVER reach that high again.....
As I said before, meth is a stimulant, sort of like caffine. It's also addictive to some people, but not all. The media, on the other hand, act like meth is one step removed from heroin. This is far from the truth. What meth does is makes a person more alert and active. Both positives. The problem is not so much in that as it is the fact that the human body needs a time for rejuvination (sleep). If the body doesn't get it, strange things start to happen. Even though you feel alert and active, your body becomes slow and uncoordinated. Occasionally you could experience hallucinations, but that is only after days of sleep deprivation. All of this happens after a relatively long time on the drug.
The signs of meth addiction include but are not limited to: increased alertness sense of well-being paranoia intense high hallucinations aggressive behavior increased heart rate convulsions extreme rise in body temperature (as high as 108 degrees which can cause brain damage and death) increased sweating/body odor uncontrollable movements (twitching, jerking, etc...) violent behavior insomnia impaired speech dry, itchy skin premature aging rotting teeth loss of appetite acne, sores numbness disturbed sleep excessive excitation excessive talking panic anxiousness nervousness moodiness and irritability false sense of confidence and power delusions of grandeur leading to aggressive behavior uninterested in friends, sex, or food aggressive and violent behavior severe depression dilated pupils
Meth does more to your body than cause you to lose sleep. It attacks more of your internal organs than heroin and puts a greater strain on community resources such as physical and mental health care.
And everything you've heard about alcohol is that it's a party, right? I mean there are a few, usually homeless people and bums who are alcoholics, but the vast majority, I mean, come on. Spring Break, Super Bowl. Bars in every town. Have a sip of whiskey to calm you down till dinner when you can have a glass of wine with your meal and then a snifter of brandy for dessert. Now, here's the truth. More people are killed on the highways due to alcohol than any other cause. Families are torn apart, if they are lucky. Usually, though, the alcoholic in the family (usually the man, I'm embarrassed to admit) will beat the spouse and children sometimes to the point of death. Those who don't die on the highways or are put in prison for spousal and child abuse face years of declining health as their liver, kidney's and spleen slowly dissolve into a grey-green goo inside their bodies. But most will be lucky as what's left of their brains stop functioning leading to early Alzheimer's. But, hey, let's raise a toast to the New Year. We'll get rid of all those evil, nasty, chemical drugs so that we can flood civilization with all natural alcohol.