No, the ambient air is trapped in the ice as the snow is compacted and freezes. The trapped air can be released from ice core samples and analyzed.
Is that anything like the way we can tell something about rainfall 100 years ago by looking at the rings on a tree that's cut down today?
Keep telling yourself that. So our agrarian society never plowed hundreds of millions of acres to create what we know now as America's Breadbasket? The ethanol craze isn't plowing rain forest the size of Rhode Island every year? We don't spill millions of gallons of oil into the sea? If you concede that we do affect the environment locally, than it is undeniable that enough local changes can cumulatively make larger ones. Gee, thanks for the nature lesson. Many animals create shelter for themselves or possibly even use rudimentary tools. Humans do both of these things and alter their environment grow food.
It is similar as the layers of snow forming the ice can show the different seasons just as the rings on the tree do. That allows tehm to date the samples they are testing in addition to any particulates that can be analyzed to confirm the date via isotope half life.
Of course it seems that way, but years were much much much longer then. Before that even days were equal to millions of years. 8)
A Florida bill lets students say the Earth is 6000 years old, and the teachers can’t mark them wrong - Senate 2692: Relating to The Teaching of Chemical and Biological Evolution
Good post Loki - This show - Journey to 10,000 BC - is not airing again anytime soon but I watched it and it was really interesting, it explained the melting of the caps, the freshwater dumping into the ocean, the currents of the ocean and how the salinity affected climates. They also showed them melting the ice and extracting the air bubbles that were trapped within to show the amount of CO2 and other gases that were in the air at the time when the caps were freezing. Very cool stuff!
Thanks! It confounds me that some people believe that we as individuals don't impact the whole ecosystem in everything we do, even if it's as simple as switching off a light. I only caught a part of that show. Hopefully they'll air it again so that I can see all of it. Another good show was Life After People. I think it's only on DVD now but it shows what would happen if the human race suddenly ceased to exist.
Hmm. Well the way I see it is like this.. It won't affect us or our children. Just generations further down the line. Long after we die. I do like your Matrix quote. Love the movies. But I kinda disagree. The metaphor is true. But where a rabbit doesn't hurt the ecosystem. It also isn't at the top of the chain. I suppose we could live in holes and eat carrots and the ecosystem would be wonderful. But if we want to maintain or current lifestyles I think this is how it will be. ======================================================== But if you about it like this... The earth will be destroyed one day. No doubt about it. Since the sun is a star, and all stars are destroyed at some point or another. And we depend on the sun for survival then were screwed. OR Why are you worried in the first place? The Bible says that Jesus will return to take us all away. The ones that are not saved will either have a chance to save themselves or go to hell. But at that point it doesn't matter. I am agnostic. I am not a tree hugger. I am a simple JoCo native. I like my lifestyle and don't intend to change. But these are my views.
Not really as the climate changes are already beginning to be felt. The worst droughts in recorded history are already seen. The unexpected appearance of El Nino and La Nina currents trash long term storm forecasts. We can see significant effects in the near future as food production around the world is also being affected.
Yeah, I DVR'd that one too but never got around to watching it and it was deleted to make room for my other million shows. I wish they had an email alert when a show was airing again.