We live close to the Cleveland Rd./Polenta Rd. intersection. Yesterday 4/9/08 between 8:45 a.m. and 12:44 pm our back door was kicked in and our home was robbed. Please be aware of any suspicious activity around your home or your neighbors homes. Thank you.
i have heard that there were alot of breakins around cleveland area in the past few weeks. one house that was hit was actually a police officers house,that was some nerve
Yesterday afternoon there was a suspicious vehicle in my neighborhood. I took the dogs out a little after noon and heard a vehicle sitting at one of the stop signs near my house. It just sat and sat there and I wondered what in the world it was doing. My next door neighbor came out of her house to get her mail. Her house is right beside the street and stop sign where this vehicle was sitting. She and I chatted for a few seconds and then this guy took off and went all the way down my street VERY FAST. I told her that he had been sitting there for a while, which was strange, and now he was driving like a lunatic, which was even stranger. As he passed by us we both glared at him. He didn't slow down, just looked at us as he flew by. I'll bet he was going 40mph through our subdivision. We could hear him as he flew up and down the next street over in our subdivision. I wonder if he was casing our subdivision. :neutral: The man here was a white man and his vehicle was an older, white, loud SUV. I would recognize it if I saw it again. Stay-at-home-moms, keep your doors locked!
So sorry your house was broken into - are you okay? I mean, I know you weren't there...but it's such a violation of privacy & personal space. Our house was broken into when I was a kid, and I never really got over it. Was there a lot taken? I only ask because there are some kids in the neighborhood next to ours that were stealing ridiculous things - groceries! Video Games (duh!), movies, soda. It was insane.
Take down the license plate number and if you can take a picture of the car. I've done that before. Someone was sitting in front of my neighbors house and I walked right out onto the front porch with my camera and took his picture, he left immediately. :mrgreen: When he took off I took a picture of his plates. :twisted: Just in case. I hate a criminal. :evil:
WOMAN - dont get me started. It's not what you have (that can be replaced) - it's your own personal safety. Don't make me come down there today. :boxing: :lol: At least wait until tomorrow (friday) :cheers:
I have done that before. I had a older lady living next door, she was all alone and this car with 2 hispanic men came up to her house and were looking in her windows. I walked over and asked them what they were doing and they said NO english. So I took their picture and a picture of their car/plates they left in a hurry never seen them again. I hate a freakin crook .
I know, I was just picking! LOL! I don't want you to :boxing: on me! I'm fragile! I've gotten a whole lot better about it, that is for sure, after last year when some dude waltzed through my open garage to knock on the door to my kitchen. Scared th @#$% out of me! I gave him an earful, I think I scared him too! Selling glass cleaner or some such nonsense, looked less that reputable. I'm pretty sure he was casing the house to see if anyone was home since the garage door was up. Just another reason I am considering a dog. 8)
I have a friend, that's always commenting that we're never home. I just explain to her that 95% of the time we're home, it's just that we can actually park our cars in the garage and prefer to keep the doors closed, unlike so many other people that use it for a dump zone. She just looks at me and says Oh, is that where my car goes. hehehehehe!:lol:
My parents' house was broken into when I was a teen and I know what you mean about feeling violated. Almost everything that was stolen was from my room too... my new stereo, my change (coin), my perfumeconfused... it was a terrible feeling to come home and find that. Now it just makes me :x.
when I lived in an apartment in Greenville, many years ago, someone broke into it, in my bedroom, busted the window out, and my bed was in front of the window, THEY LEFT THEIR BIG OL BOOT PRINT on my sheets.....I was mortified. It took me forever to 'move on' from that. They stepped in my BED!!!!:cry:
We got a message the other day at work about a person in our area posing as a pesticide company and a landscape company working in the area and looking for work in the area. FYI-The person has had tee shirts made and magnets for their vehicle to look offical. Also my cousins residence got broken into and she lives in subdivision behind Danceart on Cleveland Rd. Be aware!!