School Board Approves Multi-Route Bus Plan

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ncmom, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member

    She's only been on the list since last September - when she started. There wasn't a lot of turnover at her school so she got lucky. But as people did leave, her name moved up the list. She got a letter a week or two ago saying she's be getting trained in the summer.
  2. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member

    I didn't know that about buses, but it makes sense. Then we leave the buses out of the equation. I agree about safety, etc. I'm in favor of independent background checks, routine/random drug tests for drivers etc. Safety should come first, of course...there's no price tag that could ever be put on it. But in the end, if it saves money (and it's safe) I say go for it.

    I'm JayP and I approve this message.
  3. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    I know in some other states that have private bus companies for the school systems and they don't seem to have any major problems. Looks to me like it would actually save tax dollars....of course wouldn't that be a shame!!
  4. Moon Stone

    Moon Stone Guest

    OK~here is my take on this whole situation.
    I am employed with JCS. I do drive a bus. I hate it. I love working with the children and staff.
    I have been driving a staggered route for almost 2 years. I arrive at my school at 6:15 am and pick up Middle School students for 50 minutes or so. I drop them off and begin picking up the Elementary students. Believe or not, my first Elem. stop is at a Day, which I think is pretty funny. I finish my routes at 8:15. Go on about my TA duties, and work in the car pool until 4:00pm.
    I have 2 middle school children myself who have NEVER, and I mean never ridden the bus to school before. I now get them up an hour earlier than they have to so they can ride with me. The only time they've ridden the bus was to the AIG center in Elementary School.

    No, I was not reimbursed for the cost of my CDL. I understand the state doesn't want to lose money by paying for CDL's and having TA/Driver split. But if after a year of empyment howabout they give you some money back on your investment? I think that is only fair.
    I do get benefits and additional personal leave days that occur throughout the month.

    I abosolutely love what I do at my Elementary school. I began subbing in classes, when my guys were younger. Then went on full time, thinking I'll have summers and weekends off.

    I am sooooooo tired in the evenings, when we have other things to do like scouts.

    But I am a glutton because I return day after day and probably will next year too. I did get paid for my driver trianing, it was regular school day. But these TA's going during the summer will not be paid, unless they opted for the 12 month pay schedule instead of 10 month.

    Whew I have so much more to say, but I feel I've already bored you too much.
  5. MisunderstoodMind

    MisunderstoodMind Well-Known Member

    All this comes down to the BOE not wanting to shuck out the funds for buses (3 mill). They also "say" they are concerned about increased gas use. Thing is, they'd use less gas with more routes. Gheesh, less wear and tear on the buses as well. IMHO, they don't want to pay for bus drivers... actual bus drivers. They can't find TA/drivers now. Imagine if they added more buses. They'd need to hire more people. If that happens.... yep, more paychecks and benefits. can't have that, eh? What it comes down to is $$$.

    Oh yeah... if all this money is saved, why then don't TA's and teachers get a pay increase?
  6. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member guess is middle management, er, administration...(ever notice how the people in administration still like to refer to themselves as 'educators'... ) I'm thinking, once you're out of the classroom (and no longer in an actual teaching capacity) you lose that privilege,

    I have a friend who works full time for a local school and still has to drive a bus...I think the woman puts in eleven hours a day (maybe twelve)... ugh...
  7. MisunderstoodMind

    MisunderstoodMind Well-Known Member

    Well, its going to get much worse.
  8. twowaz2fal

    twowaz2fal Well-Known Member

    I would like to take this opportunity to bring up the issue of the "education" lottery. The teachers I've talked to have not seen any benefit from the lottery money. Why? Do you know that legistlature states that the funds generated from the lottery must be used for the more at 4 programs for at risk kids, reduction of class size to 18 in early grades, new schools and college scholarships. Okay my son's schools' first grade classes all have 20 kids. What good is a college scholarship without the proper education to get in? I think we need new legistlature to give some money for the hiring of full time TA's. Not only are TA's driving buses half the time, they are split between 2 classes when they are there. We should all contact our legistlators, I am thinking of starting a petition.
  9. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    I'm right there with ya, KellBell! I know so many other moms who say the same thing. They would have an overflow of TA's to pick from should they take away the requirement to drive a bus.
  10. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    When I was in elementary school, some of the teen bus drivers got in trouble for fooling with the speed governor on some of the buses and racing them. When I was in junior high, one of the teen bus drivers got expelled from school for driving a bus under the influence of qualudes. This was in JC, in the 70s. I could name names, but I won't. ;)
  11. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I would have worked as a TA (well, when my kids were in public school) but there is no way I would EVER drive a bus. I'd be so afraid that I'd have a wreck that it would probably make me have a wreck!
  12. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I understand what you're saying, but I also think that most people knew that this really wouldn't be much of an 'education' lottery (in the fact that it would visibly help) All they did was cut out other education funding, hoping the lottery would off-set it. But it seems that lottery just hasn't caught on in NC as much as they thought/planned, therefore they're still waiting on that $$$ to come in. JMHO.
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    They are not going to see anything, either. You must have missed my ongoing lottery-bashing. It was NEVER about funding education, it was about funding construction and lottery officials pockets and do you know the money that WAS in the budget for school construction was then reallocated elsewhere? I can dig around for that link as well, ole Tax Hike Mike was so happy about that one.

    Here is a post from 09/01/06 -
  14. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Back to the OP. Has anybody done the math on this? Yes, look at how much longer the day is going to be for bus-driving personnel. 20 grand a year for 12 hour days? This is the thanks folks get for wanting a meaningful job that helps to shape our futures? And what about the children? Add 5 to 10 minutes to their day? That equals an extra day or 2 of school at the end of the year, and some schools are losing 5 - 10 minutes a day. So, they lose a day or 2 of instruction. West Clayton Elem will be ten minutes short of a typical 7 hour day, and Clayton Middle will be in school 7 hours and 20 minutes each day (which I think they were before). They get a week more than other schools. Does this jive?
  15. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Look what one finds with a little digging...

    Do you see the letter that is on this post, from a Donna to I am guessing a fellow taxpaying parent. But look at this -

    This has been going on since Aug of 07?

    Starting to feel like Wake County around here. Oh yes, we can save a couple million bucks for a year, but we will use your children and break laws to do it.
  16. krattie

    krattie Well-Known Member

    I remember all this from the beginning of this school year. I work in a preschool and the other teachers and assistants come in after dropping their kids off at different schools in the Clayton area. We normally start at 9 but, because of what they were planning on doing, we were going to have to change the start time of the preschool because not everyone would be able to make it there by 9 and be prepared for the day.

    Not only does the change affect the schools and the school day, but it also impacts on local businesses too. Employee's are not going to be able to be in at the times that they normally were if this goes through. This whole situation stinks!
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2008
  17. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Well - I hate for the person who tossed their ticket - but at least we get some $$$ for the 'education' fund! :hurray:

    Raleigh, N.C. — The deadline has passed withoutsomeone claiming $800,000 from the Oct. 17, 2007, Powerball drawing.

    The winning ticket was sold at Jai Mataji Inc. at 121 Julian Place in Troutman in Iredell County. That ticket matched five white balls and the Power Play multiplier, meaning the $200,000 prize was increased to $800,000.

    The money goes back in the pot – half to the North Carolina Education Lottery Fund, half toward future prizes.
  18. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Donna White is actually on the school board. Donna and Larry are the only board members that actually care about the parents/children and what we want. Believe me, out of dealing with the school board, they were the only two to exchange emails and calls with me and give me other options and outlets to help me.
  19. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    Can anyone provide a link that shows how much education spending has been cut since the lottery was passed? I keep hearing this, but it always appears when I look at the state budget it keeps increasing...thanks.
  20. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    I can't believe they want to change the school hours. What is wrong with what they have been doing the last several years since West Johnston has been open. Buses from McGee's don't usually even get on the road until 4:00 as it is this year, so next year it would be 4:30 and the kids would be getting home after 5:00 which will be dark during the winter months. I highly recommend that EVERYONE please email ALL the board members with thier concerns. I have personally done so myself today and Larry is asking for everyones imput to be given to all the board members. (go on the JC school district website) If you don't let your voice heard we will not get it changed back to the way it should be. PLEASE I beg you to contact all the board members.

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