Does anyone know a good home for a horse for a year or so?? I have been letting someone keep their horses here for 6 months until they got on their feet, but that still has not happened and I need my yard back. They are trying to find someone to take their horse for a year. They are considering it a free lease, so the new person pays for food, vet, board etc... for a year. I feel bad because I am pretty much kicking them out on the 20th, per our contract, so I thought I would ask around. He is a good horse, needs a bit of work, so I would say not great for a beginner... It really would be good for someone who has been thinking about getting a horse of their own. Ideas?
I never heard of such a thing? Free lease? That sounds like a "free horse" to me. Let me check my covenants... lol. I kid.
I'm not entirely sure I understand your post. Are you looking to give away a horse that doesn't belong to you? Are you looking for someone to stable the horse for a year or so free of charge?
They have him advertised as a free lease, and I am trying to help spread the word for them.... People lease horses all the time, pretty much rent them for a period of time and give them back. This is the same thing, but for free. Here is her ad that she has on craigslist, maybe it will explain it better than I have. (I have a headache!) I have a Paint/Arabian that i need to free lease. We are looking for land to move our home on, and we need someone to take him for 6 months to a year. He is rideable. He is suitable for a intermidiate to experinced rider. He throws his head, but we stopped that after we put a Martingale on him. He is very sweet, and will bite if you dont give him attention. He is laidback when it comes to other horse, except when they go after him. He does NOT like dogs. He will chase them. Mostly it is smaller dogs than big dogs. He can jump about 5 feet. maybe higher. He is 16 hands, and 7 years old. Great english horse, has been shown in small shows. Is a GREAT horse to lead around kids on. has been used in many pony rides. When i mean free lease, i mean i want someone to take either to there property or to board him, and he will become your for 6 months to a year. you provide all his needs. Email for pictures, or any other questions (copied and pasted, not my grammer!) I am just trying to help them find a home for this sweet guy so I can get my pasture back... :lol:
Thanks for the advert. I'll pass it on to a friend(s) who has some property and might consider keeping a horse.
I wouldnt want to be responsible if anything happened. What if the horse got sick or something. Not comfortable with it. Hope they find someone. I know where there is acres of land for free but they have to tend to the horse..would that help?
I bet that might... I am not sure if they can afford feed and hay right now, but I would love to offer them that option. PM me if you can!!
You stop taking words out of my mouth! I was also wondering, is this a common occurance? Do the owners come over and ride/socialize with the horse while somebody else boards/feeds/vets it?
It is a long story, but they got him as a rescue and under their contract they can't sell him. I wish I could get all of the details, I would let the rescue group know he needed rescuing again.
I'm sorry but if I keep up a horse for 6 months to a year, I'm either going to be compensated for my time and money spent toward that horse... or I'm going to have new horse. One of the two. Keeping a horse fed, shod, & vetted ain't a cheap task.
I know!! Apparently people pay monthly fee's to lease instead of buy, sometimes they share expenses and both 'parents' ride, sometimes only the leaser pays everything. I looked on craigslist and there are several listed. Sounds odd to me. We have a new 10 month old paint who is soooo sweet, but his nickname is "expensive".
That was enough details, thanks for clarifying. Would they consider giving the horse to Reins From Above? Maybe they could work out the same deal?
I was interested until I read the "bites when ignored" part. :lol: This (leasing) is a very common thing in the horse world, but usually happens more when owner might have to suddenly travel a lot/far away on business, has medical issues that are going to keep them from riding for a length of time (so the horse can stay in shape and not become ornery), or maybe there is a gap between kids in the family that can ride and the family doesn't want to part with a beloved pet but this can be a way to hold onto the horse and still get a little compensation (because they are expensive to keep) until the owner is ready to ride/use the horse again.
He is a good horse, but when I use him to lead kids, he wants to nibble on the back of my arm?? He is bored, he has been here 6 months and ridden maybe 4 times.
Nibble? Be careful, sometimes a nibble can lead to a bite. A horse bite can really mess you up. When I was a kid, the man we bought one of our horses from, was bitten by one of his horses, he had a huge chunk taken from his forearm, and lots of tendon and nerve damage. Totally the horse being mean - this guy was very experienced and he never did anything too fast, or too close that could have invited that reaction. It's a shame they didn't correct that habit when he was young, it isn't too late to re-teach him if his new 'keepers' know what they are doing. The next time he tries to take a nibble, let him know immediately he made a BIG mistake, that's the easiest way to teach them when they are young, but may work on this horse. I think there's a lot of leasing going on now, the price of hay. . .keeping horses was never cheap, but now - geesh! The only thing about the ad that concerns me is the 'pony ride' bit - pony rides are for kids - To see a child go through the physical and emotional damage caused by a horse that was in my possession. . .I wouldn't sleep well at night. . .then again, I might not have anywhere to sleep after the parents got done suing my behind.