This would not happen in my home...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Cleopatra, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  2. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    I saw that too!! Unbelievable..........That girl looked like she was 15 or 16 which is still too young, but GOOD GOD!!!! I was gonna post a thread about why kids come up with the getups they come up with. But the ones I'm talking about are minor. Like red shirt with purple pants and footie socks with nice black, patten leather shoes......(my daughter wanted to try this today) :ack: I'm gettign to the point of just letting her wear it and let the other kids say something to her and maybe THAT will wake her up cause she sure thinks I've lost MY mind. LOLOL

    But back to the point, if you let them run wild, situations like this happen. I hope they find her and that she is ok. And that her parents whip her arse!!!
  3. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    Right on Cleo!
  4. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    She looked like a hooker! Wonder if she always looks like that, or if that was just from her myspace or something?
  5. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    She looks like a total ho bag.
  6. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    I was on a jury that convicted a ~60 year old man who had a 13 year old from Arkansas in a hotle room with him for a week. The sad part was he was also planning to meet a girl from New Jersey later that year and we were shown some of the pictures that girl had sent. She was about 13 or 14 from what they knew and they had not found her yet, but the pictures were worse than you would see in Penthouse or Hustler .....
  7. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    That's disgusting and so sad for the girls. That's what so scary about the internet/myspace stuff. These kids will put stuff like that out there, not thinking of the types of people they're attracting. You hear more and more about girls sending nude pics to their boyfriends (or ones they want as boyfriends) and of course, these boys are gonna send them to all their friends!!!!
  8. Lucidity

    Lucidity Well-Known Member

    Myspace....nothing but trouble.
  9. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    It doesn't say anything about Myspace in the article. And you can't blame Myspace for anything. If your doing you job right there is no reason why your child shouldn't have one. But I guess some children like this girl in the article don't have parents that care.
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    No, it doesn't mention Myspace. The picture did look like a typical Myspace pose. Nobody was blaming Myspace. I specifically mentioned parenting in the OP, and most parents here agree that free reign on the internet is not conducive to raising "good" children, esp unchecked social networking pages. But hey, thanks for playing!
  11. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    It's not just myspace.

    It's digital photography too. Parents put these high-grade camera phones and technology into the hands of children who can take pictures of themselves and each other - any way they want, and post them wherever they want - myspace, other student's cameras,etc. An no one is the wiser.

    Why must a 10 year old have a camera phone? If you want your child to have a phone for safety, get them a $35.00 virgin mobile phone. They can call out, you can call in. No camera needed.

    Why give a child a $250+ camera phone that can take great pictures - and video...and send them out in the world to do as they wish with it?!?
  12. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  13. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    The girl from the second link actually disabled you from seeing her pictures. There were no pictures of her. I didn't see anything wrong with it. I saw some really cool music though.

    My statement was this. There is nothing wrong with Myspace as long as the parents do their job.

    Ok now find me links for facebook, yahoo, msn groups, aim, ect. The list goes on and on. If you blame the kids, you have to blame the adults first. Thats the way I see it.

    I love watching these posts blaming these kids for this and that. But really its not their responsibility in the end. Take some responsibility for your generations mistakes. [That was not a statement pointed to just any one person.]

  14. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    You're what...16?
  15. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    :?: No. I'm just not going to sit here and blame things on another generation.
  16. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    The second link was the boy, James. The only pics were Japanimation, but it also mentioned "Tiff" all over it, and Tiffany was one of his friends.
  17. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member,2933,351171,00.html
    Trading Nude Photos Via Mobile Phone Now Part of Teen Dating, Experts Say COLUMBUS, Ohio — Forget about passing notes in study hall; some teens are now using their cell phones to flirt and send nude pictures of themselves.
    The instant text, picture and video messages have become part of some teens' courtship behavior, police and school officials said.
    The messages often spread quickly and sometimes find their way to public Web sites.
  18. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Parents YOU can get all those features disabled from their phones. I did before I gave it to my DD. She can't get online or send IM's from her cell.
  19. Desdemona25

    Desdemona25 Well-Known Member


    We were upgrading our phones about a week ago and the salesman mentioned something about eventually adding a line for my daughter. I looked at him as if he had lost his mind. After all, she's only 7! I have no plans of getting her a cell phone anytime soon. But if I absolutely had to, then it would be like the one you mentioned or the Firefly (pre-set numbers to dial). It's crazy!
  20. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

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