i am totally shocked - i was told that at Dixon in the 5th grade that no matter what your grades, if you pull a card for talking 5 times in a 9wk stretch you are not allowed to make honor roll and that it is a new policy this year. WHAT IN THE WORLD!!!!!! So a child can make straight A's for the whole year, has always been a honor roll student but cannot make it anymore because they have the gift of gab. What is really fustrating is that when questioned, does the child disturb the class, cause trouble, get in trouble, etc., all answers are no, just that the child needs to learn not to talk. Good Lord, i would never have made it through school if that were the policy when i was in school (according to one of my High School Teachers, i still own the Guiness Book Record for writing the most sentences, "i must not talk":lol. Maybe the teachers are feeling they have to be so strict because according to several of the kids, the teachers have expressed this is the worst 5th grade class they have ever had, but to punish a good dedicated student for talking in the cafeteria seems a bit extreme. On another note, Bless Her Heart, but this same teacher proceeded to tell the whole classroom about her new pregnancy and then a bit later while crying to the whole class about her miscarriage and now again about her second new pregnancy. While i do feel sorry for her and know it is hard, it that still something appropriate that should be discussed with 10yo children? Maybe the learning not to talk should apply there too. So off my soapbox and back to my original question, does anyone know if this is JOCO policy, Dixon policy, or just one teacher's policy?
Sounds like a bunch of BS to me! Have you called the school to ask about it? And yes, I agree - the teacher should have waited to tell the kids about her pregnancy :cry:
After talking to the teacher several times the parent tried to call the principal and sent emails and the principal never called back but she did get through to her and all she said was that she would set up a meeting with the teacher for next week, which is why i am trying to find info to pass along before that meeting occurs. BTW, the child in question does like the teacher but doesn't understand why she is being punished academically for talking in the cafeteria.
and I was told the same thing, that this is the worst overall class the 5th grade has ever seen. First of all, this is only the 2nd 5th grade class for this school, so I wonder what they compare it to. Mine got the N in conduct and bumped off A/B honor Roll.
OK, I have no dog in this fight at least yet, but I do have a question, why can't they talk in the cafeteria? I must be missing something but that sounds rediculous?
A student must have all "S's" to be on honor roll along with A's and B's. I do think that is county policy.
So why the wording that it is a new policy this year and i guess it is the teacher's discretion what they constitute is enough to give a child an "N" for conduct? You know me girl, i totally feel for teachers and it takes a lot to get me riled up but this is just totally ridiculous and totally discouraging to children to try hard to get their straight A's - i mean, geez, they are children and children talk.
I know my 5th grader's class at WEst View is not allowed to talk for the first 10 minutes. I am sure the teachers are overworked and have a lot to deal with but it seems as if kids are hardly allowed to socialize at all. They have morning work when they get to school, they can't talk much at lunch, and they don't get much of a recess. When I was a kid, we got to hang out in the morning and we had break and lunch to talk with friends.
You've got to be kidding me?????:? They can't talk at lunch?????? Good grief!! No wonder kids are the way they are these days (in some circumstances...) I, like you, the best part of school growing up was recess and lunch you got to take a break from sitting down and keeping quiet and be able to socialize!!! Now it sounds pretty much mundane! Oh..the joys I get to look forward to in a few years.
I asked the question recently about the no talking and was told it is because they want the children to actually eat their lunch.
I think that is absolutely ridiculous. I have a kindergartener at Dixon and I have noticed he has been getting in trouble a lot lately for talking. He is only six and has trouble not blurting out sometimes. He gets off the bus crying some times because he has gotten into trouble that day.
This is the countywide policy pasted directly from the Johnston County Schools website. The conduct grade is obviously causing a problem. I would advise the parent to contact the principal to appeal the grade. The principal has the authority to make the change. This has been granted many times in the past, usually with a warning that they wouldn't make an exception again, so the child needs to improve their behavior in the class. Policy Code: 3420 Honor Roll Recognition Students in grades 3-5 receiving As and Ss, including conduct, shall be recognized as being on the Johnston County Principals List. Students in grades 3-5 receiving As, Bs, and Ss, including conduct, shall be recognized as being on the Johnston County Honor Roll. Students in grades 6-8 receiving all As and a S on conduct shall be recognized as being on the Johnston County Principals List. Students receiving As and Bs and a S on conduct shall be recognized as being on the Johnston County Honor Roll. Students in grades 9-12 who receive all As in the standard curriculum or all As and Bs in the weighted Honors/Advanced Placement curriculum and a S on conduct shall be recognized as being on the Johnston County Principals List. Students receiving all As and Bs in the standard curriculum or all As, Bs, and Cs in the weighted Honors/Advanced Placement curriculum and a S on conduct shall be recognized as being on the Johnston County Honor Roll. Legal References: None Adopted: June 8, 1993 Amended: February 20, 1996; May 14, 1996; March 9, 1999; March 12, 2002; March 11, 2003
Could be - they don't get much time to eat - or socialize anymore.....thats sad. And it only gets worse as they get older, everything is rush-rush-rush these days in our lives.... :?
My 5th grader brings home a daily log w/conduct on it as does everyone in her class. A parent has to initial it everyday. Luckily, she's only got 1 mark for 1 day all year. I've always told my girls teachers, at the beginning of each school year, to send me home a note if they have any problems with conduct. That way I've always been able to address it that day and my girls know you get one warning, after that you're going to be in trouble at home as well. Had the teacher not communicated these issues with you before report cards? I'd be surprised if it hasn't been brought to your attention before now. My 5th grader gets plenty of time to socialize. The only time they can not during recess or lunch is IF the class is in trouble for being disruptive in class and then they have silent ones.
My son's only 4, and this is what we have to look forward to? Sounds like a good opportunity to explain to kids that sometimes idiots make the rules.