I have never heard of any of those. I am not Italian either so....... We were not allowed to use any racial slurs in our home. I have heard some from other people while growing up but if I had said them I would have had to eat soap. So there were not many if any at all used around me. Now I am curious to what they mean. I need to go look them up.
Ah the old eat the soap punishment. My parents never hit us, my mom would make us sit there for hours while she cooked and lectured. Then we would have to tell her exactly how she made what she was preparing and what the lecture was about. When we got older we asked her to please beat our butts so we could just get it over with. lol
Well, I never got spankins either after about the age 6 my parents and some others thought I some how enjoyed them. I would rather take a beatin than have to be lectured the soap didn't bother me . The worse punishment I could get was to have to sit and listen to how disappointed they were in me. I was a kid so it sucked I couldn't tell them how freakin stupid their punishments were. I was taught not to talk back to my elders. LOL