Yep, I break the law everyday when driving, not considered a big speeder with only 5 over but a speeder none the less. All this brings up a topic that I've been throwing around in my head about for several months now, how is it that there seem to be so many people on this forum during their supposed working hours. For myself, I do independent contract work, self-employeed, I get paid per job completed, so when I'm on here it's my time and my computer not the companies. What do you suppose would happen if some of these companies found out that their trusted, hourly or salaried workers were using company computers on company time talking on a public forum? Just wondering how those that are doing it truthfully are getting away with this and feel okay about it? Please don't get me wrong, I personnally could care less since you don't work for me and the loss is not mine. Just a curious mind wants to know.
Don't pity me brother, I support our Law Enforcement to the fullest, If you are inconvenienced at the risk of my safety, TS!
In my case, nothing. I'm a programmer and, as such, am productive all the time. In effect, I have a "pay or play contract". No, it's not as good as it sounds. I still have to produce if it takes me till four in the morning.
and in my case, believe it or not, I am able to produce and answer the phone and read the forum and post on the forum. I often call my boss over, to show some of the comments on this board. That's right, you guessed it. I am woman, hear me roar. I can walk and chew gum at the same time too, on most days. :mrgreen:
ok Clif and Devilock Tell me then .. if you ran the world or had a say in what was done what you two do? Im talking as far as laws, amendments, rights etc
A role model still today, Ben Franklin helped define “good citizenship.” and you DL do nothing but beotch and complain......your are a negative energy.......
Well, it would take meeting him in person then, b/c he sure comes off as nothing but negative energy in text form.