Yes, I know it's not completely unheard of, but every time one of these happens I think about the prophesy... For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows. Mark 13:8
Saw this on the news this morning. Pretty big quake for any area, let alone that one. I have been through some in my lifetime and they are not pleasant. Sherry P.S. Seems like we are already at the end of times...
yes I heard about the earthquakes.... As far as the bible quotes, I also just read a thing on how Obhama could be the anti crist...odd... but interesting ...I thought...the whole "dark man of muslim decsent" and such. Has anyone else seen this....(NOT saying I believe this just thought it was interesting) I ani't ready to go and thats that.
I think these things happen every so often around the world. Volcanoes and whatnots...been going on for a very long time. With news 24 hours 7 days a week we all think the wild fires and all are new and that it is the end. Re-read a Joan Didion (sp) poem and story the other day about the wild fires she was seeing in the 60s and 70s, funny how things really stay the same but seem different. Sherry
Peps, honey, you know that can't be in the Bible. The first Muslims came 500 years or so after the last book in the Bible was written.
it was the point that poeple are saying anything these days in the name of religion. I really don't think he is.....thougth politics itself is definately the work of evil
People forget that some of the most violent earthquakes that ever occurred in North America originated in the Midwest. Such as the New Madrid EQ that occurred in Missouri and rang church bells in Boston, MA
THis is an interesting site. I check it now and then just because I think it's amazing to see how much activity there is. Especially in Alaska.
I know, a stupid bump of a boring thread. But there was yet another earthquake in yet another divers place.
Sorry Clif, 3 hours sleep 8 hours work and im beat. Didn't even see it blinking at me. Ill do better next time
I remember several years ago when I worked in Insurance in Iowa. Some guy was predicting a devestating Earthquake to go thru Mo, Ia, Ill, Wi on a certian date. Everyone in those states were scrambling to put the EQ endorsement on their poilcies.... Lots and lots of overtime.... The date came and went and nuttin........then spent days removing all the EQ coverage