I would think about having him tested with someone at Holly Hill or somewhere. You wo PLEASE there are too many pediatric psychiatrist in our area that deal with the child one on one, test them and let the parents know exactly what is needed whether it would be as simple as removing certain things from the child's diet or recommendations/a plan for home and school. These professionals work with the child, parents and teachers as well and often without medication or Holly Hill!!
I haven't read this entire thread so this may have already been brought up: Your son's been on this medication for five years and this week was the first time you've checked to find out what it actually is??? :banghead::banghead: In younger children Adderall actually drugs children "down" not up. The opposite effect that it typically has in adults. Adults usually get by with smaller doses than children for treatment of AD(H)D.
Please be careful. As with any medication that has been introduced into the body for prolonged periods of time, you may be doing more harm at this point by taking him off of it cold turkey and not having something to conteract the withdrawal, which can also cause sides effects such as an acute onset of depression etc. Hope your little one gets help very soon and our prayers are with you.
Actually not true with Adderall. It's an amphetamine that is quickly metabolized out of the system. Usually by the time the child gets home from school s/he is essentially "off" it. Quite unlike drugs such as gabapentin and others that are used for depression, bipolar disorder, and epilepsy that alter body (brain) chemistry that need to be gradually decreased. The only thing that will happen by not giving her child Adderall is that the AD(H)D symptoms won't be controlled. There's no "withdrawal" symptoms to be concerned about.
Depends on the doctor. Most physicians are not adequately trained concerning learning disabilities. Treatment protocol changes every few years. Frequently, doctors are subject to the information they are presented. The information in question is research developed and prepared by pharmaceutical companies. Take for example stimulants (Ritalin/Concerta, Adderall). True AD/HD children or adults will respond almost immediately when said medications are administered. If the person has a negative reaction, say increased activity or inability to focus, we aren't dealing with AD/HD. Now, a stimulant will calm most children because of their high metabolism. However, an adult would not have the effect. So, if an adult responds negatively to a stimulant they are not AD/HD. Now, gifted children and adults are commonly misdiagnosed as AD/HD or Bipolar. In short, the gifted mind works so fast it is frequently misunderstood. For example, a gifted child could be having trouble in school.... falling grades, incomplete homework, etc. Now, the untrained eye could perceive the child was frustrated in regards to task frustration, oppositional defiant, or just plain lazy. In reality however, the child is just bored and finds the work menial, repetitive, stupid, and pointless. If that is the case, they'd rather take the failing grade versus subjecting themselves to pointless repetition. Strattera was developed as an alternative to stimulants. Stimulants earned a bad rap in the late 80's. Why? During that time frame the diagnosis of choice was AD/HD or one of its derivatives (Adult AD/HD, ADD, ADD w/o HD, etc). Adults were commonly misdiagnosed and provided Ritalin or Adderall. As previously mentioned, if the child/adult is not AD/HD the outcome would be negative. This is especially true for adults. Doctors told patients that a "30 day" adjustment period was normal. Thing was, this 30-day waiting period was filled with manic mood swings, aggression, and severe irritability. For our intents and purposes, we can equate this "phase" with a 30-day cocaine binge. So, in the early 90's the trend once again shifted. Instead of the masses learning factual matter, we were presented with the horrors of stimulants. For a brief time period, Adult ADD was treated solely with antidepressants (Zoloft, Serzone, Prozac, etc.). This resulted from mass misdiagnosing thousands of patients. The result? Patients would respond to meds, but their ability to feel emotion would be substantially decreased. Patients frequently complained they didn't feel like "themselves." The creativity and ability to compensate that comes with being AD/HD, would be suppressed. That brings us up to current treatment modalities. Towards '95-96 stimulants were once again accepted as appropriate AD/HD medications. The results of stimulants will be witnessed within an hour when properly administered. Unlike antidepressants, stimulants don't have to "build up" in ones system. As a direct result, some "experts" doubt their pharmaceutical value. In their opinion, if we have an "actual" neurological imbalance such quick results are invalid. So... once again the "experts" insist on pushing antidepressants. Do "all" doctors recommend Strattera over stimulants? No. Such a universally quantitative statement would be a bit unrealistic. I truly believe physicians do the best they can with the information available. Thing is, pharmaceutical companies can make their research support whatever claim they choose. Expecting any doctor to know every little fact about every single medication would be just as equally unrealistic. That being said, doctors have to to the best they can with what they have. Although "some" of the info they have is a steaming load of horse (insert word here). Do I know more than your sons Dr at Duke? Maybe yes. Maybe No. We were educated with contrasting frames of reference. For example, his referential framework could take a completely "medical" approach. Whereas I would have a therapeutic and/or practical application technique. As a result, we could have completely different views on the exact some problem. This sort of conflict happens frequently where mental health is concerned. Say "Patient X" had mood swings, racing thoughts, and insomnia. A GP might chalk it up as stress and provide Valium. A neurologist would take a chemical approach and order tests. A psychiatrist would investigate for an Oedipus Complex. A psychologist would have one lay on the couch and discuss memories. A priest might search for possible demonic possession. A Gestalt therapist would confront the person until they caved. A teacher would say we have an attention issue. In conclusion, is any opinion more credible than the other? It depends on the situation at hand (excluding demon possession). However, we as individuals have a responsibility to educate ourselves. To put all our faith into ANY doctor or expert without pursuing additional knowledge sources is foolish and irresponsible.
Good think no one *quoted* you earlier today. You might have to zip up your flame suit :lol: I miss Cleo. :cry:
Well, he saw the Doc today. No help at all. All he could tell me was that he was not convinced that is was or was not the meds doing this to him. He told me to take him to a shrink and that we would find out what he says. He did say to leave him off the meds until we figure this out. I have the number for a Dr. Abu Saah or Doctor A as people refer to him. Today was a rough one, I had to pick Chris up from school today, he broke his glasses, chewed up his social studies book, fell out of his chair, just nuts. He seems to have some kind of oral fixation, I told the teacher to give him gum, but it is against school rules. Go Figure. Why do I feel like this is never going to end? Concerta I found out has the same ingredient as Ritalin, I am not putting him on that. My mom gave me Ritalin as a child and it screwed me up. My short term memory is shot. I am looking into the patch,sounds interesting, I can't figure out which way to go right now. My mind is mush, trying to keep him under control. At home he is not so bad, I can law down the law, and he calms down. School is a nightmare!!! Thanks for the prayers guys, I need the strength right now. Needless to say, my faith has been tested and I can honestly say, it is stronger than ever. Love you guys... Brooke and Chris
Oh Gosh!! Many, many, many hugs to you. I have to be honest I do not know anything about this nor have I read the entire thread but is there anyway you can get a second opinion on this? Hold him tight and I will definately pray for you and your family!!!! May God strengthen you and guide you through this!!! Hugs, Sharon
Yes I am getting a second opinion on this Sunday. A friend of mine's wife has a masters in Child Psych, among others. I am going to talk to her and let her see him, and get her opinion as well. I am so confused about all these meds, it's either amphetemines or methylphenidate. Coke or Heroine? Holy Cow. These poor kids are doomed from the word ADHD. What the he11 to do?
If you can get there, Dr. Mel Levine in Chapel Hill is one of the top experts in the world concerning learning disabilities. All Kinds of Minds
Here is a resource that may be helpful. There is a national organization called CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). They offer support groups (there's a Triangle group), educational services, advocacy services, etc. Maybe they would have some information that would help? Here's a link to the local CHADD chapter's web site: http://www.chadd.net/template.cfm?affid=176&p=about I wish you and your son the best!
I have checked out the chadd website, it does have a lot of useful information. Today was not too bad a day. I think he is starting to adjust to life without his meds. He should be at the age where he can start to learn how to control himself without them. He is still really fidgety, and has a hard time in stores and at school, but hopefully he will get better at this. He gets lots and lots of hugs, kisses, and reassurance that this will all be ok.