I've had 2 people just insist that you have a 30 day grace period after your license expires. The DMV says no you don't. Does law enforcement give you a 30 day grace period where they don't ticket you? Anybody know?
That's what I thought. Where are my 2 friends getting this info :? Both of them recently told me they were positive there was a grace period of 30 days. Strange.
Mommy, I have emailed a friend of mine that works at DMV (for 17 years) for confirmation, I will let you know what she says....
From two other friends. Well, your friends' friends wouldn't lie, would they? It's the rule of rumour; say it often enough and it automatically becomes the truth.
What usually happens in these cases is that if you get stopped and get a ticket for an expired license they give you a court date. When you show up for court present your new license and the ticket will usually be dropped and all you will have to do is pay court costs. Craig
I got a ticket a few years back and the cop kindly gave me a warning ticket for not having my new address on my license. Yes, I lied to him and told him I had just moved 2 weeks ago. He said for me to get it fixed before the court date. I asked him that very question: Do I have a grace period? His answer: He said we need you to change your license as soon as you move. But you legally have 30 days. He didn't spout of any GS and I really had to pee so I was outta there zippy quick. But after a quick search... I found this on the DMV.org website because I can't find anything yet on the official DMV website. http://search.dmv.org/dmv/north-carolina/address change online here's the official website. http://www.ncdot.org/dmv/office_locations/?officeType=5&pickCounty=402&count=1
Heard back from the ranks of DMV.... And I quote " once your license expired, they are expired. period. no grace period"
yes, there is 30 days grace period for changes, such as address changes, name changes, etc. Not for expirations.
I just titled and registered a new vehicle for us, and was told that the inspection period was within 10 days of the registration date. DH's nmother has worked at DMV for over 20 years in the title & registrations area. Are you saying there is a 30 day period on top of the 10 days?
Thanks folks! Guess that clears that up. I'll have to tell my friends they were confused. I know one of them will want to argue it with me and will probably end up saying "Oh, they must have changed it then." Kind-of the "I'm never wrong" type ya know.:lol:
two different situations. if you buy a car and the inspection is not current, they give you ten days to get it done from the time you get the registration. if you already have a car, and the inspection sticker expires, you have a 30 day grace period.
I was thinking they changed that recently, but I could be wrong. I don't have time to look it up right now, but somebody else might want to take a look.
drivers license no the law enforcement won,t and do not give 30 day grace periods. if you get stop by a law enforcement officer and your license is expired, you will either get a warning or a ticket for having a expire drivers license.
I'm going to go sit back down riiiiight over here, b/c I clearly didn't read the initial post correctly. Pay no attention to the lady in the corner... she's pretending to be working.:mrgreen:
really? you don't at least have to get the safety part done? that's wrong. not necessarily in a factually incorrect way, but more of a "just wrong" sort of way...