Yes but that is the problem, most funeral homes want to be paid right away and waiting for the executor to be appointed by the court can take some time, there are other ways that are much more efficient at getting access to the deceased monies than waiting to be assigned executor - that is why i suggested her parents may want to consult a financial advisor to determine what is best based on the types of accounts they have.
Excecutor! That's what I was thinking when I said POA - just couldn't remember what it was called.... :?
I'm not worried about the funeral home, I've known them since birth. The sweetest people on the planet. I've tried to get them to talk to someone (people I know) as far as financials, but you cant make someone do it. I think they've talked to someone they've know for about 100 years. I don't know. I can't and won't worry about it until something happens.
My mom has a trust set up, all of her things are in the name of the trust, and even my house is in it, just incase something happens to one of us, we all have immediate access to all the big-ticket things, property, certificates of deposit, etc. I hate to say I don't know all the particulars, but I don't. I just know her financial planners phone #, and he's set it up to be as easy as possible for my sister and I in the event something should happen to her.