Has anyone tried the "Yankee Flipper" birdfeeder. It is supposed to keep the squirrels out of the bird seed, but at $100 + I am afraid to risk it. I am curious if it truly does keep the squirrels out and if the large birds have problems (like cardinals)? Would love to hear if anyone has had one or actually seen one in action.:allears:
http://youtube.com/watch?v=vpEFQZHGR3g We don't have a squirrel problem here (we get the GRACKLES! :x) but if we did, I would love to have one of those. I think it would pay for itself with the laughs we'd get out of it. I noticed in the video that the one that was placed close to the ground, where the squirrel kept jumping up and spinning, was losing a lot of seed by the spinning. The squirrel is probably smart enough to figure out that if he went for enough rides, he'd eventually get enough seed on the ground to fill himself up with. I think I'd put mine higher up!
$100 for a bird feeder????? Would you be saving that much over what you'd spend if you just accept the fact that you have to feed the squirrels as well? Of course, the entertainment factor may justify some of the expense, but still.........
Maybe I should get one then. I'd love to watch it spin off the Grackles and Crows that attack my feeders. :twisted:
http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=193409-507-936 I hope this link works... I purchased the "Squirrel be gone" feeder last year from Lowes and it has been great. After a few days they realized they could not get the seed and have left it alone ever since. (If the link doesn't work correctly, just go to the Lowes site and enter "Squirrel be gone")
THANKS! Thanks to everyone who responded. This Lowe's thing looks awesome. I'll stop there after work! The Yankee Flipper looks like it does waste a lot of seed and I think I am dealing with some smart squirrels anyway. Very interesting!! So glad I asked. 8)
You don't have the squirrels because they all come to MY feeders :lol: Actually, "Pudgy" just made a visit this morning. He climbs up on the deck and jumps onto the feeders at my window. It's almost as fun as the "flipper" would be to watch him spin and cling with all fours upside down. He falls off often and climbs right back up. The kids and I don't mind him raiding the feeder because it's so much fun to see him so close up and to watch the comedy show at our own window. I should get spme pics :lol: Fortunatly, I don't get the grackles and crows at my feeders but it's probably because I don't have a ground feeder.....yet. I want to do more feeders, but for now, the garden has me pretty busy.
If only they would stay on the ground I would be fine with them. But no, they sit ON my feeders, flocks of them, and hog the food so the smaller birds can't get any. I did see a Dove chase one off one day. I was in my kitchen saying "GO DOVE GO!!" :lol:
:lol::lol::lol: "Go DOVE GO!" That's too funny. You just need to borrow Sarah cat.:mrgreen: Strange, I never see them at my feeders. Wonder what the difference is. Most of mine are window feeders but when I had one in the maple out back, they never came to it then. I HAVE, however, already seen them in the garden:evil: I am training all of the kids (yours too:mrgreen: ) to run them off any time they see them in my garden.:twisted:
Based on new scientific studies, you better not let them see you do it! :twisted: We get a flock of big ones a couple of times a year and wisely never chased them off. If I ever after in the future I will slip the kid down the block a tener! :mrgreen: http://www.boingboing.net/2008/08/26/crows-recognize-and.html