Please sponsor my dog and I in the K93K event being held this weekend

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Barrener River Short, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. This weekend my dog Laila and I are walking in the SPCA's K93k walk to raise money to support the awesome work they do. I adopted Laila from the SPCA back in January.

    Laila is a special needs dog. She had lost a leg in a heating pad malfunction. If you want read up on her whole story you can go to her Myspace page I created for her. It is:

    All the money raised on Saturday goes to help out the SPCA and all the animals. Here is the link to the donation page I had set up. I am not very good at asking for donations but here goes... Please support the SPCA

    And thank you for your support
  2. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    I see you are almost there! Congratulations. Maybe you can even surpass it by the weekend! Hint, hint.
  3. sus

    sus Well-Known Member

    Good Luck on Saturday and I see your almost to your Goal. Im sure you will surpass it by Saturday:lol:
  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Good luck and thank you for from all my 4 legged family:hurray:
  5. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

  6. I am so close to reaching my goal of 500.00.

    But more so I don't know if I am more excited about doing the walk or Laila. Not sure she realizes that she will get to be with lots of dogs that are going to be walking.

    I am going to take a bunch of pictures and post them on her myspace page
  7. sus

    sus Well-Known Member

    It will be a fun day. Sure Laila will loveeee it. Good luck and will pray for no rain8)
  8. rntobe

    rntobe Well-Known Member

    come on folks....only a little bit more to put him over the top! I have already given my limit so I hope someone steps up, this is for a terrific cause. I got my golden retreiver/shepard mix at the spca and he is a wonderful dog.
  9. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    woohoo - he made his goal:hurray::hurray::hurray:
  10. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    You've reached your goal!! ;) Congrats!!
  11. :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:


    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2008
  12. I want to thank every one for their support.

    Hopefully it wont rain till later on in the day.
    Registration is at 2pm and the walk is at 4pm

    I want to get their by about 1 or 1:30 just so i can find a parking spaces
  13. sus

    sus Well-Known Member

    Congrats!!!!!!!! Doing the 'no rain dance' for ya
  14. Todays the day

    I want to thank you all for supporting the SPCA. Since this is my first time doing anything like this. Do I put the number on the front or on the back?

    Wish us luck
  15. Well Laila and I just got back. Laila was able to walk the whole 3k but i know she is exhausted and is going to sleep well tonight. Alot of people knew her there either through working at the SPCA or reading up about her. She had alot of pictures taken of her.

    Alot of money was raised for the SPCA. One dog did get sick along the route but is doing fine. When we got to the legislative blding Laila did lay down for about 10 minutes on the nice lawn, and even drank a whole bottle of water. Right now she is chilling out in the living room. I Figure I will give her about a half hour to hour to relax then go and let her out then feed her. Tonight she is going to get some lean hamburger as a treat for what she did.

    I took alot of pictures today and dropped the film off to get developed on the way home. I will pick them up tomorrow and by the end of the week they should be up on her myspace page.

    I want to thank every body again who had supported us and made donations to the SPCA.

    I just wish i could thank the city of Raleigh. I made sure i was allowed to park in the lot across the street for the Moore street park, but it didnt stop them from giving me a 25.00 ticket. I even asked the officers who said it shouldn' t be a problem where I parked and they told me that its an outside contractor who writes the tickets. What a scam. I know I am going to have to pay it but now with out giving Mayor Meeker an ear full first.

    But all in all today was a really good day.

    Well let me go rest my tired feet.
  16. Well I just got done posting my doggies pictures up on her myspace page. So go take a look and again thank you all

    In the next day or so I will scan in and post the stupid ticket i got from the outside contractor who writes tickets for the city of Raleigh. I still want to at least send a nasty gram to Mayor Meeker before I pay the ticket. I will post the ticket and even a picture of the sign. the sign is at least 24 font and the small ticket part of it is 8 font.

    again thanks all
  17. sus

    sus Well-Known Member

    Ok BRS. I have never been able to go to Laila's myspace page as my work place does not have a sense of humor and blocks the site.
    I just went to the site and read her story and I'm bawling like a little girl.
    Your are such a special person to take this puppy and her troubles on but thank goodness you did. She is a special dog
  18. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    It's late, and I've had a looooong day, so that might be the reason I can't locate the pictures on Laila's page :cry:

    I'll check back tomorrow - maybe with some coffee I'll be able to negotiate around the page to see pics - all I could view were friends and gifs...but like I said, it's late.
  19. Yea she is a good girl, I am glad i was able to adopt her and bring her home. She has gone through a lot in her short little life and seams so happy.

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