Does any one a (for lack of a better words) a septic sucker and about how much they usually charge. Thanks
Here's a link to one that we have used in the Garner area: I think we paid no more than $200 to have our tank pumped, but can't remember the exact amount.
I have a great Septic Tank repair person- PM- me if you need more than just the tank cleaned out. (eeewwww nasty!)
Thanks momof3. They will be here in an hour. She was excellent on the phone. 225 for cleaning and filter.
I noticed that they have a referral page on their website. Do you get anything for referring a customer? If so, you could refer me...It's probably time for ours to get pumped. Lived here 5 years, 1000 gallon tank, 2 people. Let me know.
Here is a novel thought. go to discovery channel/dirty jobs and post a request for Mike Rowe to come out. Maybe they will clean your septic tank for free
THANK YOU!!! I was reading and thought I'd call since my hubs and I keep on talking about getting the system pumped. (It's hard to part with money when you don't see anything for it ... but maybe that's a good thing in this case!) We didn't have a septic in our last house, so I really didn't know much about the procedure. Beverly was WONDERFUL and was more then happy to explain the process and what happens and time. I am planning to call them for a system clean out in May. This is definitely a contact and company I am putting in my rolodex at work and my phone book at home. Thank you Momof3grls. Your recommendation IS APPRECIATED!:hurray: