I couldnt stand it anymore so i went to the drug store and asked the pharmacist if there was anything i could take and he said the Afrin so i got some and pumped about 3 liters of it up my nose. Still itchy, runny, eyes watering, sneezing etc....but im not quite as clogged up. So thats something. Thanks for the well wishes. Having soccer games on Sat and Sunday doesnt help a whole lot.
My prescription still has not been called in. :boxing: :boxing: :boxing: I'm about 'ret to go postal on someone. I should be by myself for a while. :evil:
Baby Bunnies Anyone know where I can find a free baby bunny? My son is devastated this morning...and I mean truly devastated! While we were outside last night he found a baby bunny and we told him he could keep it. He was so excited (future vetrinarian, I'm sure of it) because we have no pets, and he brought it home, we found a big box to put it in and we left it on the back porch (he wanted to bring it in and let it sleep with him!). My hubby was up at 4 this morning and bunny was fine, and at 6 when my son got up, he was gone. He's looked all over the yard, and can't find it. I've never seen him so upset, and thought maybe someone would know where I could get another one? I can't beleive this baby bunny jumped out of the box, it was about 24" tall!
Are you sure nothing came and took it out of the box? (predator?) I have seen them jump pretty high though... I have 6 baby opossums, but only one huge rabbit that belongs to the SPCA... sorry. I did just bring 2 adorable white rabbits to the SPCA to be adopted. They are beyond sweet but they are not free unfortunatly. Wild bunnies are very hard to raise, and usually do not make good pets... but good luck with your search. Craigslist usually has some for free. http://raleigh.craigslist.org/pet/653077052.html free dwarf, but in Durham http://raleigh.craigslist.org/pet/644550524.html I think in Garner, I saw this one for $75 (same pic) but this says free!! Yea, search free bunny under pets and there are 5 or more... good luck, I hope your son recovers soon!
Awww poor kid. I always see one bouncy in our yard. The dogs go wild at the back door when they see our friend. Fortunetly the bunny is on the other side of our fence.
Our dogs go nuts at the sight of rabbits in the yard ... and occassionally catch one. The death scream of a rabbit is an AWFUL thing to hear - you never forget it. *shudder*
Wow ... did I just type "Our"?? Durn ... married two weeks, and I've already shared MY dogs with him!!! *boggle*
I was wondering if something got them as well, but wouldn't tell my son that! We have a fenced in back yard so it would have to be something that could fit through the fence. He's still pretty upset, I'll have to see what I can do. Told him we don't have time today, we're heading out to our neighborhood spring fling in a couple hours, and the festival tired me out this morning!
OMG, I cannot tell you how cute they are!!! My 3 year old had on cargo pants and we put some in each pocket and one in his chest pocket and they all curled up to go to sleep!! They love to be in my hair. I love to look over and see 6 little heads sticking out of the pouch! The big problems is opossums dont 'suck' it is just not instinctual for some reason... so you have to drip the food in one drop at a time... talk about time consuming! But they will eat from a saucer soon! (and I didn't think I would like Opossums!!)
Grinder - The saline rinse REALLY works ....use it tonight before you go to bed. CVS has them and the saline packs. Call me if you cannot find one....last digit of my number is an 7.....the rest is the same as Sam's. We'll be out at the game starting at 3:00
I had told him last night that we would just keep the bunny for a couple days then let it go back into the wild, we weren't going to keep it forever, because I knew it was wild. I really hope something didn't get it, I'd hate for him to find his dead "fluffy" in our yard...:cry: The poor kid loves animals, but we've got a small yard, a big house to keep up with and 3 kids, I just don't want to take in any more animals right now. So we don't have any pets. And my son is very hands-on; we had a pet fish last year, and the first day he had it in the bathroom sink playing with it and his tub toys. Needless to say, that was the fish's last swim...! We had a cat 2 years ago but it was too rough with the kids, and my youngest was just a newborn so we got rid of it. If he has his way we'd have cats, dogs, hamsters, mice, rabbits, frogs, lizards and snakes!
I saw that the rabies clinic was at McGees school today. How do you find out when and where it will be held?
http://www.co.johnston.nc.us/mainpage.cfm?category_level_id=573&content_id=3703 Saturday, May 3, 2008 9:00 - 11:00Four Oaks Elementary12:30 - 2:30Benson Singing Grove3:00 - 5:00Meadow School9:00 - 12:00Wellspring Community Church 143 Short Johnson Road, Clayton1:30 - 5:00McGees Crossroads Elementary9:00 - 11:00Grady Park12:30 - 2:30Antioch Fire Department3:00 - 5:00Corinth Holders School9:00 - 12:00Brogden Fire Department1:30 - 5:00County Animal Shelter
I did get a nasal spray that had no antihistamene (sp) in it that the pharmacist told me to try. Works like a champ. Still itch, still runny nose a little and still itchy eyes but my nose is unclogged and air is flowing like a champ. I wasnt at the fields today for 5 mins (and i only live like 3 mins from them as it is) and im sneezing like there is no tomorrow and very miserable. But! my nose is unclogged at least. <g> Just a few more days. Good thing about my son playing hockey....there is no pollen or whatever it is that im allergic to in the ice rinks. Hey Kaci...were you at the soccer fields today about 12:00 or so? Walking down with, im guessing your grandkid, from the snack bar?