please someone help her!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by doggymom, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss, but very happy to know that Yamani spent her last 17 days in your loving home and with someone who truly loved and appreciated her as she got ready to cross the Rainbow Bridge. :cry:
  2. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Oh man. You are a great person for giving her 17 days full of love.

    I'm very sorry for your loss.
  3. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    So very sorry for your loss but take joy in the fact that you gave her 17 beautiful days filled with love and caring, we know she did.:grouphug::grouphug:
  4. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    so sorry for the loss. You are such a kind person. Thanks for including us.:grouphug:
  5. doggymom

    doggymom Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for your kind words. CL deleted my post with her pics :( but I have them if anyone wants to see them. Your kindness is helping to ease this a bit.....I miss her so bad.
  6. doggymom

    doggymom Well-Known Member

  7. doggymom

    doggymom Well-Known Member

  8. I am sorry for your loss. But she is not really gone as long as you remember her. You and Yamani will have a life time of memories. I have always been a beleiver that are memories are one thing we get to carry with us in our next life.

  9. doggymom

    doggymom Well-Known Member

    Also, I dont know if I mentioned...but I am the animal control officer for the Town of CLayton. Now, I only do animal control inside the city limits, but if anyone ever needs assistance with an animal, I am always willing to help or offer assistance/advice if I can. Thanks again.
  10. If you want I can post them on my dog Laila's myspace page for you as a rememberance
  11. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I think she looked very happy to see you and to let you love her!!
  12. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Ohh My God. Do any of you have kids? Just wondering.
  13. Desdemona25

    Desdemona25 Well-Known Member

    I'm very sorry for your loss. At least she spent her final days in a loving home instead of the shelter.
  14. Desdemona25

    Desdemona25 Well-Known Member

    I have a 7 1/2 year old daughter in addition to my 3 furry children. I fear that my oldest dog's days are most definitely numbered. He's 15 years old and has been my buddy for over 12 years. He's been through it all with me.
  15. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Yes, it doesn't preclude loving animals as well. :? I have a son I absolutely adore and two spoiled rotten cats, of course the child has always and will always come first. The unconditional love of my cats just makes me smile and makes a tough day just a little better. Know any humans that just want to be with you and don't want a thing in return?

    I think what the OP did was admirable, to open your heart up knowing it's probably going to be broken in the end.
  16. doggymom

    doggymom Well-Known Member

    No, my fur babies are my kids.
  17. doggymom

    doggymom Well-Known Member

    Thank you, I did know that I would lose her...I knew she had cancer...I just thought that God would let me keep her a little longer.......:cry:

    But I am so very greatful for the kinds words and gentle support of strangers and other animal lovers during this time. It helps alot..
  18. doggymom

    doggymom Well-Known Member

    how kind....that would be fine with me if you would like to. Please let me know if you do.

    I would also like to see your baby's page....
  19. I just sent you a PM
  20. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Yeah, 6 of 'em: Quincy, Percy, Frankie, Jimmy (all canine)
    and Camilla and George (feline)

    Oh, you meant human kids? Nope, a HYSTERECTOMY took care of that, thank you very much.

    I'm thankful for fur kids, they are all I have.

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