Has anyone seen this program? It's pretty interesting. It suggests that Jesus never really as we know it existed when previously thought. They believe he actually was folklore from 2K years before as the son of the Sun God and the son of Isis. It was a divine pregnancy. The stories are 2,000 years older than the stories of Christ. But they are identical. http://www.pocm.info/
Wow, this is far from your typical post! I am impressed, I have seen many things like this, the root of most religions share the same mythology.
Yes....it's believed that the Christianity that we know today was decided in Rome. The ruler at that time had various religions to choose from. But at that time Rome was at the breaking point and Rome was surrounded by enemies. So the only way to pull Rome together was to choose a religion that was popular by the Majority of Romans. Thus is the birth of Christianity through Rome. Christians as you know were thought to be persecuted. When in fact evidence shows they were volunteering so they would Martyr themselves in the Coliseum.
They actually have tablets in a British museum that was written in three different languages at that time. Giving a history of these incidents. They went to alot of trouble to publish this in three different languages of the time. I am only sharing this because it has shaken my faith a bit. That website I listed before gives the similarities. I am basically just throwing this out from memory. We all know that is hit or miss.
Server, While I try to be open to science, my faith must always be a consideration. And, Lord knows, (pun intended) that I rattle enough cages of orthodox religious belief with my desire to include more than we know and have experienced. Shaken your faith? Shouldn't have. We try to place things we don't understand into a context with which we can relate it. Find your faith...and allow it to anchor your soul. Keep your heart strong, your eyes open. 6
http://zeitgeistmovie.com/ You can also find the individual sections on youtube. The first section deals specifically with what you're talking about. The video is long, so I suggest you watch each section individually. It is VERY interesting.
Yes, there are many similarities between Christianity and many"pagan" religions. One possibility that can be considered: What if God sent his son to various cultures over the years so they might be saved??? Just a thought.
thanks for the thought...sometimes it's nonsense. If one thinks about it, the need for divine inspiration must include a "Something larger than all of us and Life, too" guiding us upwards towards enlightenment. For most of humanity, it is far easier to see as an example, one of us who has common, ordinary beginnings, but who is raised to the ultimate level of enlightenment. Obviously, for most of us, the path for our journey towards enlightenment has plentiful stops, restarts, and pitfalls. For most theologies, a great cleansing must occur on all levels, from ourselves individually (think baptism and rebirth) as well as a cleansing on a larger scale (the Flood- which is mentioned in several different, and apparently unrelated social groups - Gilgamesh legend, Native American Indian legend, et al) Yet, among the philosophies of inspirational background, necessarily we must see that we are less than worthy initially, must change our behaviors to orient us towards the light. The philosophical path towards enlightenment parallels in many cultures. Asked by a King as to what the Torah meant while standing on one foot, a rabbi complied by saying, "That which is harmful to you, do to no one else. That is the message." Placing his raised foot back on the ground, he said, "All the rest is commentary." I find tremendous comfort in the commonality and simplicity of the ultimate messages of our collective Faiths. I discount none. I will admit to lacking understanding all, yet find that I can open my mind to consideration of most ideas, without having my core beliefs threatened. I have no doubts, my friend, that your Faith is exactly where you have always had it, deep within the core of your being, unassailable and intact. 6
Rcheck, Among the many religious beliefs that God revealed himself to other cultures is the LDS belief that Christ appeared to the Native Americans, too.
Which even for many Christians who are anti-LDS, is a hard one to dispute!! That is sorta my point when I made the above statement. Why would God reveal himself to only one culture and why would past cultures not have been given the opportunity for salvation? Makes for interesting discussions and I think enables us to broaden our minds.
Well the way it was presented by the Theologians on the program last night. Said there are not that many mentions of Christ in the old testament and in the new Mathew, Mark, and John were all biography's. But there is not consistency in all three books. One traced Jesus' lineage to Adam, One traced Jesus' lineage to Abraham, the other lineage I can remember but all three were different. I am not saying I don't believe in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I believe that with all my heart. My issue is with FACTS that have been proven by ancient documentation. I still have my faith, I just need more information. My faith has been shaken but not to the point of disbelief. Make sense?
Have any of you read the book of Enoch? He was mentioned many times in the Bible even by Jesus. Very very interesting.
I'd also suggest the Apochryphal texts. Aprochrypha from the Greek (Channeling the Big Fat Greek Wedding..LOL) meaning hidden...a group of religious writings, some of which were included in some versions of canonical literature at one point or another but removed, or writings that were considered and rejected outright by canonical authority. Hence the dilemma with the belief that the "Bible" as written is the exact and unchanging word of God, especially the KJV as perceived by those extreme religious beliefs. The "Bible" has undergone so many human directed changes that finding the original wording would be nigh impossible, in my mind.