Ham & Yam Festival ?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kdc1970, Apr 30, 2008.

  1. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Ham & Yam Festival ? (More info - schedule here)

    OK, so we've lived here since 01, and have never attended this particular event. Is it fun?? Because I'm having visions of the one and only time I went to Mule Days (Had a friend barrel racing, only reason I went). :shock: Not my cup of tea, :lol:.

    Best places to park? Things to know or avoid? Got company coming this weekend and looking for something to do with her and the kids.

    Thanks for any info! :mrgreen:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2008
  2. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Our first year having a booth at the Ham & Yam. So, if you need a friendly hello, we're at 112A...
    As for entertainment, the Marshall Tucker Band will be playing there. And the Kids Fun Zone is fairly large. Not sure what is in the Kids Zone, but worth a look.
    We're hoping for good weather.
    4042 peeps always welcome...please stop by an say hello...

    Webbie....4042 gonna have any presence at H&Y?
  3. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    From the Strawberry Fest thread from webbie-

    We will be at the Ham and Yam Festival in Smithfield this Saturday with tickets, plus we will likely have them at several other business locations in the next week or so to give everyone an opportunity to register. Be on the lookout here for the other places that will have tickets. :cool:

    And thanks to everyone who dropped by the 4042.com tent during the Strawberry Festival - always nice to see ya!
  4. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    i believe he said so in the wii thread, that this will be another chance for people to pick up tickets...
  5. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    thanks Mom,
    I was being lazy and didn't want to search.
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Thanks Hat, will try to stop by if we get out there. I had looked at the schedule, etc. for this, courtesy of this site. So far, it sounds like fun.
  7. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    kdc, it is nothing like Mule Days in my opinion - it is much more family oriented, alcohol is not allowed. We have only been once a couple of years ago but we really enjoyed it and the outdoor free concert is really nice. i hear they have a reputation of some sort though about it always raining during the weekend of the Festival:) From what i remember, there is a huge area of rides, etc for kids.
  8. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

  9. Hope everyone will make it!

    Here are some things to do at the H&Y! Coming from the Raleigh/Clayton/Cleveland area, I would take a left on N. 4th Street and park behind the Ava Gardner Musuem. (you can't take a left on N. 3rd)

    Methodist Men’s Breakfast - 7-9am, Centenary Church, corner of Second & Market streets
    Street fair featuring arts & crafts vendors and other exhibitors - 9am-6pm, streets of Downtown
    Free musical entertainment on 3 stages - 10am-6pm, streets of Downtown & Neuse River Amphitheater
    4-H Pig Cooking Contest barbecue on sale for consumption noon until...
    Marshall Tucker Band concert (free) - 8:30pm, Neuse River Amphitheatre

    Street fair featuring arts & crafts vendors, and other exhibitors - 12:30-5pm, streets of Downtown
    Free musical entertainment on two stages - 12:30-5pm, South Second St & Neuse River Amphitheater
    4-H BBQ Rib plates on sale for consumption - 12:30-5:00pm, parking lot at South 2nd & Johnston streets
    Classic Car Show - 12:30-5pm, Johnston Street and South 3rd Street
    “Hog Ride In” (Harley-Davidson motorcycle rally) - 1pm until..., South Third Street
    “Hog Trot” & “Piglet Stampede” road races - 3pm & 2:30, South Second Street

    Third Street Stage Sponsored by - The Light of Christ Church
    10am-6pm: Contemporary Christian, Gospel, Praise and Worship Bands

    Second Street Stage
    10am-12noon: Cross Cutt Band (Country)
    1-3pm: Nancy & Tammy Dale & County Roads (Country/Variety)
    4-6pm: Hybrid South (Classic Rock)

    Neuse River Amphitheatre
    6:00 - 8:00 - The Newz
    8:30 - The Marshall Tucker Band

    Second Street Stage
    12:30-2pm: Eric Terlizzi Band
    2:30-5pm: The Main Event Band (Beach/Top 40)

    Neuse River Amphitheatre (All Bluegrass on the Hill)
    12:30-1:45pm: The Boys From Carolina
    1:45-3:15pm: Red & Donna
    3:15-5pm: Ted & the Tarheel Boys
  10. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    I have lived here forever and have never been to the Ham & Yam festival. Isn't it supposed to rain this weekend anyway? Didn't someone jump into the Neuse River last year because it didn't rain?
  11. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    What? As a contest, or just because they were carazy? :lol:
  12. The Fool is Me

    The person who is going to jump is me! Checked the WRAL website and they are calling for clear skies on Sat and have moved the rain to Sunday. We will have to wait and see. Either way, I will be the one who gets wet!
  13. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    are there gonna be the rides for kids this year?
  14. Kids Area

    There is a kids area. Pig races, petting zoo, pony rides, and large area of inflatables.
  15. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    i didn't see that on the schedule...when's that happening? i want to shoot a couple of photos, maybe some video...
  16. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    HaHa I knew I had heard that somewhere.

    Well if its not going to rain maybe I'll go for the first time. Kaci are you going?
  17. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Yep, planning on it:)
  18. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    Cool, maybe I can see you up there somewhere. I think its my weekend to have my nephew too and I'm sure he would enjoy going.
  19. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Cool, cause if things work out the way i am planning, it will be me, my dil and the grandkids, we can all hang
  20. "Cannon Ball" Johnson To Jump If It Doesn't Rain During This Weekend's Ham & Yam Festival Perception or reality, there is a local legend that lives along the banks of the Neuse River in Downtown Smithfield.* And just like clockwork, around this time every year coffee shop talk begins, and the tale seems to grow bigger.* No, we are not talking about an Abominable Snowman or Bigfoot known in other parts of the world.* But the bizarre tale that will send chills down any outdoor event planner…that it always rains the weekend of the Ham & Yam Festival.** To save the 2008 Ham & Yam Festival from washing down the drain, Chris Johnson, Executive Director of the Downtown Smithfield Development Corporation and host organization of the annual town celebration, is again offering up his body as a way to ward off the evil spirits at the 2008 Event.* As soon as the Relay for Life Duck Race is over at 5:00PM on Sunday afternoon, Johnson will jump from the banks of the Town Commons into the Neuse River if it doesn't rain at the Ham & Yam.** “You cannot imagine how many people showed up along the banks last year to see if I was going to hold true to my promise to jump in the River if it didn't rain,” states Johnson.* “I am not a superstitious individual, but it worked last year, so why not do it again this year.”* To educate the public, the Ham & Yam Festival turned to Wingate Lassiter, Director of the Johnston County Heritage Center, and one of the founding event organizers in 1985, to help dispel the persistent rumor. According to Lassiter, here are the facts from official records kept in the Heritage Center: Since 1985, when the first festival was held, through last year's event, measurable rainfall has been recorded 14 of the 38 days when the Ham & Yam Festival was scheduled, and 12 of the 23 festival weekends have had at least one day of rainfall, ranging as high as 3.5 inches. Four of the 23 festival weekends had rain both days.* “I have to remind everyone that when the festival was held on the third weekend April, everyone was begging us to move it to May because it always seemed to rain,” states a perplexed Lassiter.* However Johnson is quick to state that up until this year, the original April weekend had prefect weather.* That changed this year and now eyes are fixed on this week's weather forecast.* “Last year, I did a cannon ball off the side of the boat.* This year I have been mentally preparing myself and working on dive that will dazzle the crowd,” jokes Johnson.* “After doing this for 8 years, the way I figured it, it just wouldn't be a Ham & Yam Festival if I wasn't wet.” *On Tuesday, the National Weather Service was calling for a 30 percent chance of thunderstorms on Saturday and a 40 percent chance of showers for Sunday. The 24th annual Ham & Yam Festival is May 3-4 and will feature the Marshall Tucker Band will headline the lineup of free entertainment.* The Festival will also feature a crafts expo, food from local restaurants and nonprofits, and fun activities for the entire family.*

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