Say it isn't sooooooo...Devilock is missed already Oh come on Webbie!!! Let Devilock come back!!! :cry::cry: PLEASE <puppy dog eyes here>
true story. i'd really like to know what he did SO wrong that he deserved to go the way of slipknot1 and so many others before him. He's been contributing to these forums solidly and a large margin of that contribution has been positive posts including helping other users with their computers. Too harsh, IMO. Too harsh by quite a bit.
:hurray: Ken is back!!!! I agree with you Ken. You are owed a public apology. You were certainly not the only one talking about 'that'. It's getting to the point where you don't want to comment on too many posts for fear of your thread being pulled. Glad you're back!
so you're the only one that agot banned for talking thte talk. does seem unfair, of course i got banned once for less. go figure.
Folks, My time in "time out" allowed me to reflect, and remember that this is not a PUBLIC board. It is privately owned and operated and we post with the permission of the owner. He can set whatever rules he likes, no matter how arbitrary we might consider them to be. I welcome Ken back. I am unconvinced that webbie needs to apologize or otherwise explain anything to anyone for how he operates his board. H6
Ken, I agree that there isn't an explicit rule but he did warn Blues back when he was constantly being banned that if you question his decisions he would elevate the decisions. Personally I thought I was going to get nailed and just laid low for a while this evening. P.S. Welcome Back
WOW, i really missed something didn't i? What in the world happened, someone pm me and fill me in. On the other hand, if Webbie punished ya Devil, it must not have been for very long cause you were on here this afternoon when i jumped on the board for a bit. i remember when another top poster got "punished" they were banned for a few days. Anyway, i guess none of what i say is really important since evidently i missed everything.
I missed it too, but have to defer to webbie in any case of course. He must have had his reasons. I enjoy the site and consider it a priveledge to be here, not a right. 8)
Exactly, it is definitely a privledge and i appreciate it but still curious as what might have happened.
Imagine that, but it does get his post count up, huh??? Sorry, but he just has been pretty antagonistic lately and sometimes it is so hard to keep my mouth shut