wendy's white oak sanitation grade B = bleech

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by dangerboy, May 3, 2008.

  1. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    it wasn't even close, it was an 87.0. i ordered, and as i was pulling up i saw it posted on the side of the drive-up window, and just kept going....
  2. my4kiddies

    my4kiddies Well-Known Member

    OMG that's just awful , I will not be eating there again ...That really is surpriseing though . Thanks for posting ! :ack:
  3. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Well I'm not surprised. Any place that sells salads and doesn't have 1000 island salad dressing is just bound for doom.
  4. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    We walked in during lunchtime today, and the dining room was absolutely nasty. Trash all over the floor, tables greasy, with food on them, even seats with grease on them. The floor was unswept.

    We thought we get a couple frostys to go, but when the girl came to the cash register, she had what looked like food on her lip. It turned out that her lip was pierced but it was so gross looking that we just said no thanks and left.
  5. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    they already had the B, unless they got it between then and 2 pm when i was there...
  6. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Went to see Ironman up at White Oak today but was an hour and a half early. So we went over to Kaize for an early dinner, their health rating was 90.0. At least the dining experience was better than last time.
  7. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    How do you like their food and how are their prices? Been thinking about going there myself.
  8. rhw7879

    rhw7879 Well-Known Member

    We tried it. It was just okay in my opinion..

    I like the place in Crabtree Mall.. but I only ate there twice..

  9. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    Crabtree would be Kanki alos located on Wake Forest Rd.

    My opinion? Kobe across 70 from Walmart. Beats Kaze out of the water. I think alot of people would agree.

    And if one Wendy's doesn't carry 1000 Island then they all don't. So they must all have B's?

    Btw you can look up why their sanitation score is so low on WRAL.com
  10. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Not true. ALL of the other Wendy's carry it. Just not at white oak for some stupid reason.
  11. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    Well the one at 40/42 doesn't. And those are the only two i really ever go to.
  12. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    I really have to laugh at people who put faith in the restaurant health rating system. Do some research and look up what the national average is on the scores. An 87 is good based on that. Also, the methods and inspectors vary so widely that it's impossible to have a rating without a 2 to 3% (+/-) fault variable in the score. And to get to the possible real number you have to deduct 2 points from all the scores you see. That's because they don't say, on the post, if the store has the allowed 2% add for attending the classes .

    You take a higher chance of health hazzard with the packaged foods you get at the grocery store than you do eating out. The inspection process at packaged food plants has fallen drastically.
  13. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    When I was a teenager, I worked at a small-town family owned restaurant. When the health inspector was in the local area, my boss (the owner and a local school teacher) would make phone calls to the other few local restaurants and vice-versa letting them know so they could clean/prepare/fix anything that would hurt their score. I'm sure this was/is totally illegal but how ya gonna prove it? So the score hanging on the wall was not representative of day to day conditions necessarily, although it had to be at a relatively acceptable level all the time in order to spiff it up to the perfect scores they always sported, I suppose. Who really needs the score anyway??--I can usually walk into a restaurant and determine all by my little lonesome if it is clean enough that I want to eat there:ack:
  14. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    In high school I worked at a Baskin Robbins in Raleigh and I swear we had roaches crawling in the ice cream. The owner would tell us to shew them away and keep scooping. NASTY!
  15. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I remember that flavor, I first thought they were raisins!
  16. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    crunchy raisin
  17. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    The sanitation grade is just a starting point for me. I then look to see if the help is well-kempt, may go check out the bathrooms to see if they are decent. I've walked out of more than one place for being nasty. :?
  18. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Thanks! That was it! :mrgreen:
  19. Desdemona25

    Desdemona25 Well-Known Member

    Or how about rum roach? :ack:
  20. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    i like the sounds of that better

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