Teacher appreciation week

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by bandmom, May 5, 2008.

  1. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Thank you H6, as the future mil of a teacher, i am so glad that there are other teachers that appreciate more from the parents than the chessie gift and know that they are appreciated by the honest emails and participation that parents give them. Your DW is an awesome person and young teachers could learn so much from her.
  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    If you will re-read my post, at the bottom I emphasized that the list came from the PTA, not the teacher, just to clarify my position on this. 8)
  3. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Kaci, thanks....
    KDC..My apologies, as I wasn't shooting at you. I did have some concern that others might have missed that point. With C6 having taught...(uh..Let me be nice here..lol) many years, I've seen the zealous room parent whose intent was well meaning, but who didn't realize that not every parent had the time and resources that the room parent had. Room parent was frustrated because they felt that other parents weren't as supportive. Other parents felt like their support was less appreciated. Thin line to walk to protect the children, rein in an overzealous parent without turning them off entirely, and acknowledging and appreciating the level of support that each provides.

    Bottom line...thanks for all you parents, extended families do for your child's education.
  4. AWmom

    AWmom Well-Known Member

    Yea, I kind of thought the letter from the PTA was a little much too. I felt bad that kids are asked to bring something each day. There are kids that cannot do this!!! I hate to think that some of these kids will feel bad because they did not bring in anything. That really stinks. However, with that being said, I realize they (the PTA) are only suggesting items and giving more than one opportunity for kids to bring in something in case you forget (like we did this am)!!!!! My 2 cents!!!!
    My family appreciates all the teachers, TA's, specialists, front office staff and what they do for our kids everyday and are glad that we are a part of this community. I often send emails to them (teachers) saying thank you for what they do.
  5. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    If every child brought a plant, I'd probably be cursing them by the time I was done planting them all! Or at the thought of having to take care of that many plants. :?

    I think the best idea up there is each child to make a card, those are much more special being from the child.
  6. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Parents generally run the PTA..which is why it's the Parent-Teachers Association or Parent Teacher Organization. No teacher worth his or her name would make any child feel lesser than another because of some cheap gift.

    I'll tell you who the kids are that are most appreciated: those who come to school prepared and eager to learn and show respect to others. It has nothing to do with what a family gives or does not give.

    Again, I submit that some overzealous parent led the genesis on this, and did it without the principal knowing the details. If not, and a teacher or administrator signed off on this, they should be called on the carpet.
  7. AWmom

    AWmom Well-Known Member

    Amen sister!!!!:iagree:
  8. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I know a friend's school who did this (she is on the PTA board) and one day the kids are being asked to wear their teacher's favorite color. That's sweet. Another day, the kids are asked to make a card. I think those things are acceptable and very sweet. Again, the TEACHERS are not asking for these things...PTA did this.
  9. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    This is my gift, and I told my son to keep his mouth shut for the next 5 weeks or there will be trouble. It's the gift that keeps on giving!
  10. Desdemona25

    Desdemona25 Well-Known Member

    After seeing all of this, I got off easy! Our room moms asked us to bring in a single flower for a bouquet for the teacher's desk and then had each child complete a page for a special book. They also asked us to "donate" a lunch for the teacher each day this week. I figure that there's 26 or so kids in the class--someone else can donate the lunch. But I did the other stuff.

    The PTA also organized an effort for each classroom door to be decorated.

  11. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    I helped my son's class make a scrapbook for the teacher of this past year with pictures of them, field trips, lunches, special celebrations etc. Each child wrote a special note on "their" page and signed it. Didn't really cost me much and the kids were able to help create it. I think it's something she will treasure and that the kids were involved will make it even more special to her. :grouphug:

    The PTA's really do have good intentions, but these are parents who can give a lot of their time and most of them can give a lot of their money. Maybe they can sometimes forget that not everyone can do that. They really just want to make sure the teachers feel appreciated, because regardless of the way anyone feels about these list the teachers really don't get a lot of support from "their employers." ...ie, the state. :banghead:

    I do try to give things throughout the year, but when gas is $3.62 a gallon I really can't spare much... :evil:
    Last edited: May 6, 2008
  12. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    Teacher appreciation - does this include daycare teachers. Not sure what to get them, probably let ds make a card and give the a nicely fresh cut rose!
  13. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member


    Do any of you have kids in Private school? If you do you will know what I am talking about. These teachers CARE!! Super professional!
  14. UR2L8

    UR2L8 Guest

    Just wanted to clarify, the list your child received regarding teacher appreciation came from the room mom. The PTA does give gifts to the staff throughout the week, but did not distribute a list such as the one posted. The PTA does recognize how much parents are asked to do throughout the year and greatly appreciates all you do. I do personally think one gift is all that is needed to say thank you. I think you will see a change in the requests from PTA in the upcoming year, as we are all feeling the effects of the economy. Again, for all who volunteer and give, please know it is greatly appreciated. :hurray:
  15. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Just to clarify, the list I posted DID come from the PTA at Riverwood, says so right across the top. 8)
  16. UR2L8

    UR2L8 Guest

    My apologies, I thought it was from another elementary school.:)
  17. kidsfly

    kidsfly Well-Known Member

    I know the room parent at CES, the flier did not come from her. PTA?

    Also, it is my feeling that most all teachers at CES are aware that parents may not be financially able to send items daily- I know of some who open their own pocketbooks to help pay for student lunches when a parent forgets to send in money. I do not get the impression at all that they "are expecting" gifts. Teachers at CES are very compassionate and really seem to only care about their students.

    I think gifts from the heart mean the most. I see posted drawings, poems, letters on teacher's desks from their students.

    I wish I would have read this thread earlier, I would have suggested maybe having kids draw a flower, draw a treat, or poem, or card, or letter etc. The nice thing about a picture of a flower is that it doesn't die! :)
  18. garnet

    garnet Well-Known Member

    Let me tell you what ... that idea is the *best* one. I am a daycare teacher. THE *best* things I ever receive are the cards that the kids make. I teach them how to read so when I get a card for a child that says "Thank you." and the child wrote it .. My heart melts.

    Don't forget the "floaters" either. They often get "forgotten" in the midst of Teacher Appreciation week.
  19. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Today 5/7, is National School Nurse day - do we even still have school nurses? :confused:
  20. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Thats what I thought :lol:

    I totally agree with the card thing...hey come on, I'll say it...in this day and age with all the discrimination law suits and little johnny has more money than little susan, folks yelling or crying..... "that's not fair!!" I think homemade gifts or cards SHOULD BE THE ONLY GIFTS allowed!!! That way nobody feels like "they didn't do enough"

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