YMCA vs. Kid's Clubhouse Day Camps

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by KB2, May 2, 2008.

  1. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    No doesn't matter, I personally don't care where any of them skate. I was just pointing out that I had seen them there several times.

    Keep in mind different types of summer programs are better for different types of kids. Just as adults, different enviornments can effect kids differently. You just have to choose what seems to be a fit for your child.
  2. aphorista

    aphorista Well-Known Member

    I am wondering if any one has any experience with Crossroads Academy? I don't see it mentioned much when I did a search. I understand that this will be their first summer program. Any thoughts about this facility? I am still leaning towards the YMCA but recently discovered Crossroads when doing a search for something else.
  3. mslusk

    mslusk Well-Known Member

    we did the Y for the last 2 years. They rarely did any of the activities they said they would. Instead, the kids sat outside for nearly the whole day (even when the outside temperatures were sweltering). My DD says they had to beg to get their water bottles, use the restrooms, etc. Usually they had to stay in their "huddle" and that was it. She was bored. I was not impressed with the "supervision" either. I think Cleopatra stated it very well - kids watching kids.
  4. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    I was at Interskate with my children one weekday afternoon a few months ago. Our skate time was wrapping up as the kids for after school care were coming in. Two boys started fighting ... punching, down on the ground. There was no counselor/supervision in sight. By the time someone did come they had stopped. I mentioned what I had just observed. She shrugged and said nothing to me or the kids. There is NO way my children would go there!!
  5. cece

    cece Well-Known Member

    Where is Crossroads Academy? I have never heard of that place.
  6. KB2

    KB2 Well-Known Member

    Hmm, now I'm just torn. It sounds to me that none of the programs have really great supervision and that it is the little ones (under 10 or so I'm guessing) that get the short end of the stick at both the Clubhouse and the Y. So I'm starting to think maybe these are just not good for kids under 10. But then, what am I to do with a 7 1/2 yr old all summer while I work??

    I'm thinking maybe I'll try both, and let him choose? But do they book up far ahead? They both say you can enroll week to week, but does that really work?

    I'm nervous about it all now. Maybe I’ll look into this Crossroads Academy?

  7. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    Keep in mind your YMCA's are at different locations and it really can make a difference to the program as to who the actual director for the summer camp program is. We have been at the Cleveland location (after school), Clayton Middle (summer) and now Cleveland (summer) for years and have never had any major problems. Yes kids are kids and there are going to be disagreements. But as for supervision, I have never had an issue with any of the staff. Most of them are HS and college kids, but there are adults as well. As for field trips, I have always been given a weekly sheet telling what was going on that week, and they stick to that schedule with few exceptions. Sometimes due to circumstances, they can't help but to change a trip, but I have always been notified at drop off in the morning.
  8. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Sometimes the registration fee is steep (if you are going to register at more than one...) Have you looked into Kim's kids? We did after school two days a week there for a while and were happy.

    It sounds like you need more of a daycare with better supervision for a child that age... the child/staff ratio really drops with the older kids.

    Can you visit some of them during their after school programs before school lets out to get a feel for it?

    What a tough decision....
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    my kids too, same locations, no problems, ever, for 6 years. we Y. :mrgreen:
  10. cece

    cece Well-Known Member

    Little Stepping Stones has a summer camp program for school age kids.... They have a good reputation here. I do not have any personal experiences with them though...
  11. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Can I ask a dumb question...well maybe not dumb as I do not know anything about this.

    Most people around here know I have 2 little ones. My oldest goes to kindergarten in 2 years. These summer camps that you all are talking about here are primarily for parents who need summer coverage like from 8-5 everyday? Do these last all summer while the kids are out of school?

    Sorry if it seems like a silly question, I'm just learning what I have to prepare for in a few years!!

  12. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    yes, they do. drop off starts at 7am and ends at 6pm. They are called summer day camps, instead of day care.

    they also have SOS days while school is in, for teacher work days, some holidays etc.
  13. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    AH HA!!! Thank you KellBell, I was starting to think that and I was starting to wonder what the heck I was gonna do over the summer!!!!
  14. aphorista

    aphorista Well-Known Member

    For the poster who asked, Crossroads Academy is at the intersection of 210 and 40 near the State Employees Credit Union. Anyone have experience with it?
  15. 1pittsburgh

    1pittsburgh Well-Known Member

    Do not know were you stay but we go to Riverwood Child Development Center. They have a really good summer program. The price is a little steep but my daughter loves it there since all her friends are there. They do alot of things. They go to the pool usually twice a week rotating between Lions Gate and Riverwood. We stay in the subdivision so it is very convenient for us. The prices just went up, I think it will be $159.00/week with a registration fee of $75.00. If you pay early before Tuesday of each week the price is $149.00/week. During the summer you never have to pay any extra for anything. They also go to the movies, park, museum, skating, bowling, etc. You may also want to check out Second Step/Little Stepping Stones. Before we moved, that is were my daughter went to before and after school care and she also attended the summer camp. The teachers are excellent. We loved Ms. Tina, she currently manages the location on Cleveland School Rd.
  16. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    My child will be going to full-time summer camp at Kids R Kids. I looked into YMCA and I didn't like what I was told about the swimming. Once a week is fine but not 3 times per week for my child. I have heard that Kid's Clubhouse is really good for older kids (8 & up) because of all the fun places they go. I personally would be uncomfortable with my 6 year old going very far away from home every week.
  17. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Have you looked into Cleveland Creative Kids on 1010? My son went there years ago. I would recommend it, if Paula is still in charge.
  18. mimibear

    mimibear Guest

    I sent my children (one boy and one girl) to Morgans Fit-n-Fun camp (Cleveland) last summer and they had a great time. We are using them again this year. The cost is reasonable and they have a great adult:child ratio. Also the total number of children they accept is low, so it is easy to keep track of all the children. Like you, I tend to be overprotective and I was very pleased with the supervision the kids received. They also take a ton of trips, go swimming, and do gymnastics (of course!) My little boy really loves the foam pit! Overall, it is a great camp all around and the kids had a blast!
  19. ShopGirl

    ShopGirl Well-Known Member

    Did you guys know that the GCAA is already in preparation for getting
    heating/air for the Cleveland gym! Just another cool reason to support the
    local sports organization!

    KellBell, thank you for sharing your experences with the YMCA with us!
    My lil one is also going to attend the "Teens" UpWard Bound camp this summer. But its Our first time at the YMCA summer camp.

    Since I'm still having a hard time accepting the word "teen" when
    involving my lil man, you could imagine I was a bit nervous dropping them off this morning.:mrgreen: Thanks again!
  20. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    mine are there today!! is yours? they were so excited...I can't believe all the stuff they are doing this week!! woohoooo

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