Sports in the Cleveland Area

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Soccermom81, May 11, 2008.

  1. Soccermom81

    Soccermom81 Well-Known Member

    I am looking for flag football for my son to play. I was trying to find the organization that is registering until June sometime. He is 6 yrs. old. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Ryan
  2. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Cleveland Pop Warner

    UNCHEELS Well-Known Member

    The same website but an easier address to remember is There is an F.A.Q. button on the left side of the home page that has lots of information.
  4. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    our next registration is june 14 at old cleveland school. however, brand new this year and now fully registration!!

    re: physical. the pop warner national form must be used and filled out by the doctor! physical has to have been performed during this calendar year. the form can be easily printed out from the website.

    the physical form and the report card do not have to be presented at registration, as long as they are on file before the season starts. with online registration, forms can be mailed in later to our po box as they become available, like final report card.

    i am on the board for cleveland pop warner, so please, if you have any questions at all: ASK! if i don't know the answer, i'll find you someone who does....
  5. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    OK all you kid sports know it alls - (And I mean that in a good way!)

    Who has a summer soccer league for 5 y/o (Entering 1st grade in the fall)?

    The YMCA age K-1st soccer ends this week and DS is looking for another soccer season. I think it is time to move up a level.

    He may go with YMCA T-Ball again in June (I think?) It only 1 night a week and we cannot handle 2-3-4 nights a week.

  6. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I don't know of any. GCAA is only spring and fall. I know you can join summer camps for soccer in the summer, like in Raleligh and Cary, but don't know of anything else.

    We're going to put our son in summer baseball through the Y (I think - my friend has the paperwork, I haven't seen it yet). She said it's one night a week, is that just practice, then games on the weekends, or is just the 1 night a week and that's it? My son hasn't done a baseball league yet, he's 8, but he's very, very good at it when we play here in the yard. He did t-ball when he was 3 and was good as well. I can't wait to see him play.
  7. CakePrincess

    CakePrincess Well-Known Member

    Can you tell me exactly what they're looking for on the report card? Do they must earn all A's and B's only?
  8. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    Re: soccer--Most organizations take the summer off for outdoor soccer. Registrations are going on NOW for fall with FVAA, CASL, GCAA, JUSA, etc. If you really want to play soccer over the summer you may have to opt for indoor at XLSoccerWorld near the State Fairgrounds, or at Dreamsports, unless Benson has something going on in the gym...?
  9. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    no, they don't have to be honor roll, they just have to be passing. pop warner wants to be sure that football doesn't hamper school performance.
  10. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    There's also a new place in Angier, I think it just opened, can't remember the name of it though. But it's also indoor with soccer camps.

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