Not sure if I am posting where I am suppose to, but have a question. The other night when we had that thunder and lightening, one of my "babies", who is extrememly terrified of storms, seems to have had an accident and I just found it and it stinks to high heaven. Anyone got a special formula that works great to get that type of pet odor out of carpet????
Lowe's has urine be gone and other stuff to remove pet odors in the cleaning supply isle, isle 5 I believe. Don't know how it works but I have seen it there when I shop.
One of my cats had an accident when she was a kitten and I got something called Nature's Miracle. I think I got it at Pet Smart. It worked really great, but then she was tiny and it didn't smell that bad. Supposed to have special enzymes. Vinegar and water is supposed to work, too.
I'll second the Nature's Miracle. It's what we use here at the house with our really extended family of animals. Craig
John Deere actually has a cleaner that works wonders on pet accidents .... yes, the lawn mower and tractor company.
We used to use Natures Miracle , which does work great, but its a little on the pricey side when its used regularly. We switched to Petzyme which is less expensive and works just as well for me.
Cover the area with baking soda and let it stand overnight. Then vacuum up the baking soda the next day and clean the area with white distilled vinegar.
Until payday, may have to try the vinigar thing first....Then may have to try to use the other stuff. As far as vinigar, do you mix the vinigar with anything or just use it plain?
Just plain white distilled vinegar. If you mix it with the baking soda it will cause the baking soda to start fizzing.
FF, Use the vinegar straight. Not only does it clean the smell stays for animals and they will not use that spot again. Shoot, vinegar can be used for most anything...washing windows, etc. You can mix it with water, if you want (1/2 and 1/2) but I have found that just using it straight works better. No need to buy anything else. Sherry
Nature's Miracle as mentioned before! It actually breaks & dissolves the enzymes in the urine, causing the stain & smell to completelly disappear. I recommend the orange bottle with the oxi clean in it. AWESOME STUFF!
We use stuff called "Out". We get it at Walmart and it works on anything. It is a white bottle with hot pink writing. In the pet section.
We used to use Natures Miracle and switched to Anti-Icky Poo it is awesome stuff. The key to any of the enzyme cleaners is to flush the area with water until all of the product is out of the rug. Folex (sold at Lowe's Home Imp., Target) is the only product we use for cat/dog vomit, feces. We have used white vinegar over the years, it never kept our pets from returning the same area.
I use XO Plus (odor neutralizer and cleaner). It's used in kennels, nursing homes, etc. Have not seen it locally - purchase over the internet. I buy it in the gallon, and dilute it. Lasts a very long time. Has the best deodorizer I have ever used.