My best friend's cat passed away this morning. She called me while he was still in her arms. He was her side-kick, her companion, her confidant, her security blanket, her security guard, her clown, her friend. We adopted him from the ASPCA in Wilkes-Barre, PA back in 1993 when we were roommates, and he's lived with her ever since - tho I've moved around, they still live in the same apartment. They were together for 15 years. I couldnt even begin to tell you how special he was ... he had 'personality'. You fell in love with him when you met him, even if you didnt like cats. Anyway, please keep my friend Cheryl and her cat TC in your prayers. She's really hurting and feeling the great loss. Thanks!! Carol
She is in my prayers and i hope she is doing better , I'm sorry for her loss .I have a kitty and she is about 10 years old ..I don't want to see the day she don't wake up next to me .. :cry::cry:
Elims, my thoughts and prayers are with your friend at this time. So sorry for the loss of her buddy. I know I just won't know what to do when its time for any of mine to move on. They are all so special and quirky in their own ways, my cats are my children.