I have a 5 year old cat.. never been fixed.. inside cat will not go outside.. She is in heat a lot.seems like each "spell" get closer and closer. I do not have the cash to get her fixed, its quite a bit due to her age. Also she has started peeing on everything. I love her and my kids are very attached so I don't know what to do. I can't handle her "peeing" on everything. I mean we are doing the smell test on clothes, curtains, blankets...before we use it. yuck..please if anyone can help me.. I am desperate to save the cat..
Hey, if she's started peeing everywhere, she may have a urinary tract infection, bladder infection, even possibly diabetes or kidney disease, or it could even be a behavioral issue (all treatable with medication). Try to find somewhere to have that checked out first, then deal with the spay surgery later (you can find low cost spay clinics in the area - SNIP, for example). Age isn't a disease, so her being 5 shouldn't matter - it's the pre-op bloodwork that would be a factor before deciding whether or not the surgery would be considered safe in her case. Good luck and I hope this has helped!!
I didn't think about that! Mattie had a urinary infection and DR Debbie told me to give her canned Tuna juice to flush her system - worked great and I didn't have to take her in.
There is a place called pop NC .Its mobile but they are usually in garner ..You need to call them. Very inexpensive ..You would drop her off early morning and pick her up late evening .I have taken a few stray cats there and well as my cat to be fixed ..I believe the over all bill , with medicine for when they get home and the surgery was no more then 65.00 ..Check them out pop NC if you need the # i can find it for you . It can be a urinary tract or even worse .. Its not a good idea to leave her like that to long .. Good luck you to and kitty
Safe Haven for cats has a great spay/neuter program and its low cost. $65 gets you the spay/neuter, full exam, distemper shot, rabies shot and ear cleaning and nail trimming. For an extra $20 they do the FeLV (feline leukemia) test, and another $10 for an application of Revolution for fleas & ticks. For less than $100 bucks you can get kitty all hooked up and at 5 years old, her age shouldn't matter. I've had a cat older than that adopt me, and I had her fixed, and there was no extra cost involved because of her age. Whoever told you that is taking you for a ride! If the "pee" is a very very strong concentrated odor, she may be spraying and not "peeing". I don't think its usual for females to spray, but I have seen two in my life that have done it. Here is the link to Safe Haven, it is in Raleigh, but they are great and its worth taking kitty there. http://www.safehavenforcats.org